Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Understanding Abuse

Recent periods of social progress and development have seen many concepts and constructs receive widespread attention to what can be described as negative behaviours and one concept and area in particular to receive this attention is abuse. Any response to find a solution to a problem whilst remaining effective and appropriate can experience various complications as there can be an inability to provide a clear and detailed definition of what it actually constitutes, provision of evidence that remains compelling and substantial and taking on board the cultural, social and political considerations and factors that are relevant to the society pertinent to the discussion will receive complications. This lack of clearness in its debate has led to the development of additional descriptions alongside abuse such as psychological maltreatment (Garbino, Guttman&Seeley, 1986), further confusing the issue and its resolution but in spite of this confusion their has been much learned from what attempts have been made in the exploration and analysis of abuse and this discussion will try to identify different types of abuse,expain why particular groups or individuals may be vulnerable ,its differing contexts,risk factors associated and ensure the impact of cultural and social factors on the range of abuse is analysed thoroughly. Abuse is the weapon of the vulgar† (Samuel Griswold Goodrich) Abuse is a term that relates itself to any deliberate calculated damaging or deteremental behaviour purposefully used to damage or harm an individual or group and can occur when a person misuses ormistreats another group or individual without any interest in their worth,dignity or well-being. It can be seen as a behaviour where the abuser is interested in the exertion of power and control over the individual and be prepared to manipulate or exploit the individual involved into submission or obedience to their will. In recent decades it has been described in various forms but the main categories to contemplate are Physical,Emotional,Sexual and neglectful and a recently highlighted phenomena of Institutional abuse,that has led to greater awareness and debate. Physical abuse was the earliest form of abuse thought to have come under public consideration in the 1960’s and was believed to be linked to child abuse until child sexual cases started to come to prominence with the Cleveland cases in 1987(Corby,B,Child abuse,1993,p86) and has been defined as â€Å"hitting,shaking,throwing,poisoning,burning or scalding,drowning,suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of or deliberately causes the ill-health to a child they are looking after. This situation is commonly described using terms such as fictitious illness by proxy or â€Å"Munchausen Syndrome by proxy†(Dept of Health,1995:5). This definition can be seen to as quite specific but does not provide any suggestions as to when such actions are deemed grave to authorise intervention and prevention of such behaviours and although it has various forms it can be the most visible, having damaging and long lasting effects. Emotional abuse and neglect has been defined according to the Dept of Health as â€Å"the persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development†(Dept of Health,1999:5-6) and relates itself to malicious †parental behaviour that damages a child’s self-esteem,degrades a sense of achievement,diminishes a sense of belonging and stands in the way of healthy,vigorous and happy development. Emotional abuse has been described as an overtly rejecting behaviour of carers on the one hand or as passive neglect on the other†(Iwaniec,D,Child care in Practice,1994). As a separate form of abuse it was only recognised by legislation in the United Kingdom in the 1980’s although it did receive recognition in the United States since 1977. Attempts have been made to define emotional abuse and neglect in a general way and five damaging behaviours have been levelled by Garbino,Guttman and Seeley(1986) as rejecting,isolating,terrorising,ignoring and corrupting with these actions being a concerted attack by an adult on a child’s development of self and social competence only being described as overtly abusive,painful and developmentally and cognitively damaging. Such behaviour can be seen as an act of commission or omission occuring â€Å"when meaningful adults are unable to provide necessary nuturance,stimulation,encouragement and protection to the child at various stages of development which inhibits his optimal functioning†(Whiting,1976). Sexual abuse in relation to children has been described as â€Å"involving,forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activites whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activites may involve physical contact,including penetrative(e. g rape or buggery) and non-penetrative acts. They may also include non-contact activites such as involving children in looking at or in the production of pornographic material,or watching sexual activites or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways†(Dept of Health,1996,6). This description of sexual abuse specifies that sexual abuse may not necessarily involve physical contact although there can be many other areas to be included when involving a definition such as what is the relation of the perpetrator of such acts and the definition put forward by Glasser and Frosh seems to be more comprehensive â€Å"Any child below the age of consent may be deemed to have been sexually abused when a sexually mature person has by design or by neglect of their usual societal or specific responsibilities in relation to the child,engaged or permitted the engagement of that child in any activity of a sexual nature which is intended to lead to the sexual gratification of the sexually mature person†(Glasser and Frosh,1988,5). This definition pertains to whether or not it involves genital or physical contact and whether or not there is a discernable harmful outcome in the short term. Child sexual abuse is a highly difficult problem and is far more commonplace than previously thought and also affects older as well as younger children(MacFarlane&Waterman,1986) although their is a greater degree of seriousness among practitioners about the urgency of intervention to protect children from such abuse. Another form of abuse that has received prominence in recent years is Institutional abuse that mainly involved children living in residential care including being under the care of a local authority with one case that rose to prominence being the Pindown Inquiry in 1991 concerning the use of a system referred to as Pindown in children’s homes in Staffordshire England. The Inquiry outlined how methods of controlling children involved techniques that could be construed as sensory deprivation and solitary confinement, were used over a large period of time under the approval of the management of Staffordshire Social Services being only described as brutal in there approach. In the following years a glut of cases came to the fore and the Department of Health responded by instigating a general inquiry in the state of residential care that came to be known as the Utting report 1991,that provided a view on the conflicting sides in care homes good and bad and making a note of the need for greater vigilance and the development of greater measures to protect the safety of children in such places of care. In situations where abuse occurs different groups and individuals can be more vulnerable to abuse than others and the need for greater research into these cases will only help to develop a better understanding of abuse and its forms.. One grouping where abuse has gained significance and shown how a group can be more vulnerable is amongst elderly individuals in domiciliary and residential settings as â€Å"behind closed doors† can be more difficult to combat as contact between victims and services can be extremely limited. Elder abuse has probably been placed in the background in its significance to such abuse as child abuse but any form of abuse is not to be tolerated as each individual has a significant sense of worth and uniqueness in life though elder abuse is often an ignored and hidden problem in society as â€Å"The voice of older people is rarely heard by those who have responsibility for commissioning,regulating and inspecting services†(Fitzgerald,G,Action for Elder Abuse). In 2000 the Dept issued guidance(No Secrets) on the protection of vulnerable adults from abuse defining a vulnerable person as one â€Å"who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability,age or illness and who is or may be unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation†(No Secrets,paras2. 5-2. 6) and although this definition was not restricted to older people it has received criticism as it appeared to exclude those individuals who do not require community care but with no standard definition of Elder abuse in the United kingdom as the term has been imported from the United States one commonly used definition is â€Å"a single or repeated act of inappropriate action occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person†(House of Commons Health Commitee,Elder Abuse,Volume 1,2004,P5). Abuse exists when a lack of care from one person towards another is present in a relationship and the thought of predicting abuse or neglect is appealing because of its ability to be preventative and adults have a sense or obligation of care in may respects of life being held to be trustworthy in the application of that duty but the more responsible the relationship the higher the chance of abuse that can exist and parental care is one context that can be seen as the primary type of relationship where abuse can occur and what does or does not be held to be adequate care can be important when making decisions about the likelihood of abuse occurring. With the Childrens Act 1989 not giving any firm statement of intent on what can be deemed adequate care and broad ideas on what care should involve such as physical and emotional responses,health,protection and cognitive behavioural development, research and evidence can be crucial in reviewing contexts and the suggestion that particular c hildren can be determined for abuse with researchers interested in the dynamics of why particular children are susceptible. Predicting abuse by observing maternal responses to new born babies is an important feature of child protection with children who are seen as not wanted or the â€Å"wrong sex† by their parents at a greater risk(Roberts ,1980) but many parents often carry into life unresolved issues from their own childhood or present circumstances that have a substantial impact on their ability to form deep and lasting relationships with their children,†The undermining effect of a difficult child on parental functioning will be lessened when the parent has an abundance of personal psychological resources ,conversely an easy to rear child can compensate for limited personal resources on the part of the parent on maintaining parental effectiveness†(Belsky&Vondra,1989,188), therefore solid connections to parent or primary care giver is essential to the child’s development and growth. Parents who experience substance abuse,domestic violence or mental health issues can provide risk factors or damaging environments where children can be open to abuse and although not all parents with these experiences can be a risk to their children,their ability to provide adequate care can be limited and damaging. Substance misuse can result in a parents ability to erform basic parenting tasks(Kroll,2004) and be generative of chaotic environments and has come to focus in many families that are under child protection enquiries even during pregnancy and early development. Mental illness can also be seen as another factor relating to abuse ranging from a parents depression to psychotic or delusional violence that can result in fatal cases. The risks can be seen as greater if the parent shows hostility or aggression towards the child,ultimately becoming a target with many children taking on a caring role themselves as parenting can be in conflict and opposition. Another factor co-exis ting and overlapping with the factors previously discussed is domestic violence. Domestic violence is common and is seen usually in the context of the male exerting power over a female and a form of controlling behaviour with violence beginning even during pregnancy increasing in severity leading to a effect on emotional and psychosocial development. With a child being witness to such behaviour anxiety and stress can result in the childs having long term effect even when physical violence is not present. So although factors can emphasise a disposition to abuse the truth is never that clear and no single event or outcome can be determined and the likelihood is that factors such as those discussed are part of a complex context and set of circumstances beginning even long before the child is involved. Social factors can also have considerable effect on abuse and links have been made between male unemployment and the physical abuse of children(Gillham,1998) and the Department of Health has also conducted its own studies finding that 95 percent of children on protection registers are from poor families(Dept of Health,1995) with children from lower economic environments more likely to be abused(Lawson,2000),nevertheless it has been argued that child abuse cuts across all social class with lower classes more susceptible to come under government investigation because of their need for more government resources with this in mind â€Å"Child abuse is strongly related to class, inequality and poverty both in terms of prevelance and severity†¦ olving the problem requires a realignment of social policy which recognises the necessity of tackling the social,economic and cultural conditions associated with the abuse†(Parton,1985,175-176) â€Å"Abuse in the form of violence against women is a normal feature of patriarcial relations. It is a major vehicle that men use in controlling women,as such it is the norm not an aberration. The widespread incidence of child sexual abuse reveals the extent to which men are prepared to wield sexual violence as a major weapon in asserting their authority over women† (Dominelli,1986,p12) Abuse can be seen as a product of a particular culture and child rearing practices are different from time to place being influenced by religion,class,sexuality etc. Culturally approved practices â€Å"such as isolating infants and small children in rooms or beds of their own at night,making them wait for readily available food or allowing them to cry without immediate attending to their needs or desires would be at odds with the child rearing philosophies of most of the cultures discussed†(Korbin,1981,p4) need to be taken into consideration when defining are certain acts abusive but that does not mean that these ideas are not to be challenged. In the vast majority of abuse cases children or women can be seen to the victim and women have been subjected to horrendous acts and ordeals through out many cultures. The challenging of old ideas as an example can be seen in the context of the rape of women in Zimbabwe being traditionally remedied by the arrangement of the perpetrator to the victim in marriage. This act can be seen as seriously and psychologically wicked in its practice but it is an example of where outside support for change can b e directed. Other cultural practices such as circumsion and clitoridectomy should be seen as widely abusive acts (Finkelhor&Korbin,1988) and as all abuse is seen in the context of power over the victim rape is another practice especially in the context of war,with the idea of dehumanising the victims leaving a state of fear,anger and hate having long term effects individually and collectively. Being able to differentiate between culturally normative and abusive behaviour without the fear of being seen as racist or stereotypical in approach can result in the protection of abusive individuals and many cases have seen elements of the failure to protect, such examples have included Tyra Henry(Lambeth,1987),Ailee Labonte(Newham Area child protection committee,2002) and Victoria Climbie(Laming,2003),so culture can be a significant factor in how abuse operates and is defined. â€Å"No one ever became depraved with suddenness† (Juvenal,AD c-60-c130) To conclude, further study and research needs to be paid into abuse, its characteristics and manifestations and greater clarification needs to be sought in many areas and inquiry within the context of abuse, peer relationships and the way they are experienced and handled having implications in how individuals relate to others in life as â€Å"Contemporaries increasingly seek one another as the primary sources of support, security and intimacy†(Mueller&Silverman,1989,p583) so many factors need to be taken into account when in discussion but as stated earlier abuse is seen as the act of power over another individual or group so the last words belong to the great Carl Jung in that â€Å"Where love reigns ,there is no will to power and where power is all pervading,Love is absent. The one is but the shadow of the other† (Carl Gustav Jung ,1917,Gesammelte Werke,Vol. 7,Zurich,Rascheter-Verlag)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Participant Groups Essay

Describe the Problem – The local community has constantly experienced trouble from the activity of youth gangs that are usually at odds with one another. Their conflicts usually end up in violent riots at different public places such as the plaza, the park, and the children’s community playground. Although most of these events happen during the dead of night and hardly any non-gang member in the community has gotten hurt because of them, the riots usually end up destroying community property such as street lamps, road signs, etc. The local sheriff’s department is usually inadequate in patrolling the streets at night. Their small number can only afford only a couple of deputies to do nightshifts. Hence, the gangs usually get away with their riots. Select Intended Participant Groups – Volunteers from the community who are agreeable to the creation of a neighborhood watch. They mainly comprise of young men and concerned fathers who are willing to take shifts at beefing up the night watch. Select a Setting – The community, including and most especially the sites usually frequented by the youth gangs such as the community playground, the park, and the plaza. Set Goals and Objectives – To reduce and eventually eliminate the incidence of youth violence at night due to youth gang riots. Select an Appropriate Intervention – A neighborhood watch. This is the formation of a group of dedicated individuals who would patrol at night as an auxiliary, unarmed division of the sheriff department’s nightshift watch. Locate Resources for your Intervention – vehicles can be solicited from willing contributors, rented from a local shop, or provided by the volunteers themselves. Communication equipment can be borrowed from the excess in the sheriff’s department. Funding for gas, batteries, and other miscellaneous materials shall be requested from the company. Involve the Community – Aside from the volunteers, the rest of the community will be made aware of the intervention through various information dissemination drives involving the school and the community leaders. Develop your Activities and Materials – Activities include violence pacification training of volunteers by sheriff’s department, volunteer evaluation and subsequent deployment. Materials to be developed are mobility and communications equipment. Staff your Intervention – The staff for the intervention consist of the volunteers, and selected deputies from the sheriff’s department to provide the necessary training and evaluation of volunteers. Train your Staff – Training involves violence pacification techniques, proper use of communication hardware, driving protocol, and aggression response protocols. Implement your Intervention – Implementation shall proceed as soon as enough volunteers have been trained and appropriate resources have been acquired. Monitor your Intervention – Each head volunteer per deployment is expected to monitor and record the events that transpire during his watch and submit reports to the company for evaluation. Evaluate your Intervention – the evaluation will be based on volunteer records, volunteer and community assessment, and independent assessment done by company representatives. The key points of evaluation are the rate of youth violence due to gangs after intervention implementation, community response and the viability of continued implementation.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Amistad Summary

Amistad Movie Summary The film begins in the depths of the schooner La Amistad, a slave-ship carrying captured West Africans into slavery. The films protagonist, Sengbe Pieh, most known by his Spanish name, Cinque, painstakingly picks a nail out of the ships structure and uses it to pick the lock on his shackles. Freeing a number of his companions, Cinque initiates a rebellion on board the storm-tossed vessel. In the ensuing fighting, several Africans and most of the ships Spanish crew are killed, but Cinque saves two of the ships officers, Ruiz and Montez, whom he believes can sail them back to Africa. After six weeks have passed, the ship is running out of food and fresh water, and Cinque is growing angry with Yamba who believes keeping the Spaniards alive is the only way to get back to Africa. During the night, they pass another vessel, carrying a group of wealthy English-speaking passengers having a dinner party on deck. The next day, they sight land. Unsure of their location, a group of African men takes one of the ships boats to shore to fetch fresh water. While there, La Amistad is found by a military vessel bearing an American flag the Spaniards have tricked the Africans by sailing directly for the United States. Captured by the American Navy, the Amistad Africans are taken to a municipal jail in New Haven, Connecticut, where the ships occupants, and a tearful Cinque, are thrown into a grim dungeon, awaiting trial. The films focus now shifts to Washington, D. C. , where a session in the House of Representatives introduces John Quincy Adams (Anthony Hopkins), the elderly former President and politician. While strolling in the gardens, Adams is introduced to two of the countrys leading abolitionists; the elderly freed slave Theodore Joadson (Morgan Freeman) and Christian activist Mr. Tappan (Stellan Skarsgard), both of whom are leading shipping magnates in New England and co-proprietors of the pro-abolitionist newssheet The Emancipator. The two have heard of the plight of the Amistad Africans and attempt to enlist Adams to help their cause. Adams, apparently verging on senility, refuses to help, claiming that he neither condemns nor condones slavery. News of the Amistad incident also reaches current President of the United States, Martin Van Buren (Nigel Hawthorne), who is bombarded with demands for compensation from the juvenile Spanish Head of State, Queen Isabella II of Spain (Anna Paquin). At a preliminary hearing in a district court, the Africans are charged with insurrection on the high seas, and the case rapidly dissolves into conflicting claims of property ownership from the Kingdom of Spain, the United States, the surviving officers of La Amistad, and the officers of the naval vessel responsible for re-capturing the slave-ship. Aware that they cannot fight the case on moral grounds, the two abolitionists enlist the help of a young attorney specializing in property law; Roger Sherman Baldwin (Matthew McConaughey). At the jail, Baldwin and the abolitionists, along with a nervous Professor of Linguistics, attempt to talk to the Amistad Africans, but neither side is able to understand anything the other party says. In the prison, events among the Africans are accelerating. Yamba, Cinques apparent rival for authority amongst the Africans, has converted to Christianity and is now resigned to his death, believing that execution will send them to a pleasant afterlife. The death of a young man provokes the Africans into a furious demonstration against the American authorities, screaming and chanting in their native languages as a prison riot threatens. As the hearings drag on, Baldwin and Joadson regularly walk round the city docks, counting numbers in the Mande language, in an attempt to recruit an interpreter. They eventually happen upon a black sailor in the Royal Navy, James Covey (Chiwetel Ejiofor). Using Coveys linguistic abilities, Baldwin and his companions are able to talk to Cinque. In his first speaking role in the courtroom, Cinque, through a series of flashbacks, tells the haunting story of how he became a slave. Cinque, a peasant farmer and young husband and father in West Africa, was kidnapped by African slave-hunters and taken to the slave fortress of Lomboko, an illegal facility in the British Protectorate of Sierra Leone. There, he and hundreds of other captured Africans were loaded onto transatlantic slave-ship (Tecora). Cinque tells of the various horrors of the Middle Passage, including frequent rape, horrific torture, and random executions carried out by the crew, including the deaths of fifty people deliberately drowned in order to save food. Upon their arrival in Cuba, Cinque was sold at a slave market and purchased, along with many other Tecora survivors, by the owners of La Amistad. Once aboard La Amistad, Cinque was able to free himself of his shackles, and began the slaves rebellion for freedom. The courtroom drama continues as District Attorney William S. Holabird (Pete Postlethwaite) and Secretary of State John Forsyth (David Paymer) press their case for property rights and dismiss Cinques story as a mere piece of fiction. While exploring the impounded vessel La Amistad for much-needed evidence to support the Africans claims, Baldwin happens upon a notebook, stuffed into a crevice by Ruiz and Montez to conceal the evidence of illegal slave-trading. Using the book as hard evidence of illegal trading, Baldwin calls expert witnesses including Captain Fitzgerald (Peter Firth), a British naval commander assigned to patrol the West Africa coastline to enforce the British Empires anti-slavery policies. As Fitzgerald is cross-examined by the haughty Holabird, tension in the courtroom rises, ultimately prompting Cinque to leap from his seat and cry Give us free over and over, a heartfelt plea using the English he has learned. Cinques plea touches many, apparently including the judge in a court ruling, Judge Coglin (Jeremy Northam) dismisses all claims of ownership, rules that the Africans were captured illegally and not born on plantations, orders the arrest of the Amistads remaining crew on charges of slave-trading, and authorizes the United States to convey the Amistad Africans back to Africa at the expense of the nation. While Cinque, Joadson, Baldwin, and the jubilant Africans celebrate their victory, a state dinner at the White House threatens to overturn the ruling. While conversing with the Spanish Ambassador to Washington, Senator John C. Calhoun (Arliss Howard) launches into a damning diatribe aimed at President Van Buren, emphasising the economic importance of slaves in the South, and ends his tirade with a concealed but clear threat that should the government set a precedent for abolition by releasing the Amistad Africans, the South will have little choice but to go to war with the north. With his advisors warning that the Amistad incident could bring the United States one big step closer to civil war, President Van Buren orders that the case be submitted to the Supreme Court, dominated by its Southern slave-owning judges. Furious, Mr. Tappan splits with Joadson and Baldwin, who break the news to an enraged and disgusted Cinque. In need of an ally with legal background in the intricacies of Supreme Court workings, Baldwin and Joadson meet again with John Quincy Adams, who has been following the case carefully. Adams, aware that Cinque is now refusing to talk to Baldwin, invites the African leader to his home. While Adams gives him a rambling tour of his greenhouse, Cinques emotional reaction to seeing a West African violet, native to his homeland, convinces Adams to assist the case. At the Supreme Court, John Quincy Adams gives a long and passionate speech in defense of the Africans. Arguing that if Cinque were white and had rebelled against the British, the United States would have exalted him as a hero; and that the Africans rebellion to gain their freedom was no different to the Americans rebellion against their oppressors some seventy years earlier. Arguing that condemning the Amistad Africans would render the principles and ideals of the Constitution worthless, he exhorts the judges to free the Africans, stating that the looming threat of civil war will simply be the final battle of the American Revolution. His case made, the United States awaits the Supreme Courts ruling. On the day of judgment, Justice Joseph Story (Harry Blackmun) announces the Supreme Courts decision on the case. Believing that the Amistad Africans were illegally kidnapped from their homes in Africa, United States laws on slave ownership do not apply. Furthermore, since that was the case, the Amistad Africans were within their rights to use force to escape their confinement. The Supreme Court authorizes the release of the Africans and their conveyance back to Africa. Legally freed for the second and final time, Cinque bids emotional farewells to his companions; shaking Adams hand, giving Joadson his most treasured possession, a lion tooth which is his only memento of Africa, and thanking Baldwin in English. As Cinque is about to leave, Baldwin clasps Cinque and bids a farewell, in the Mande language, to the African leader. The end of the film depicts various scenes. Royal marines assault the Lomboko Slave Fortress, killing the slavers and freeing the kidnapped Africans held within the dungeons. With the fortress evacuated, Captain Fitzgerald, who has finally located the fortress, orders his warship of the Royal Navys West Africa Anti-Slavery Squadron to open fire on the facility, destroying Lomboko. Interspersed with this are scenes of Martin Van Buren losing his election campaign. The final scenes depict Cinque and the freed Africans returning to Africa, dressed in white, the West African colour of victory and accompanied by James Covey, who has shed his British uniform in exchange for African attire.

Information Systems for Managment Accounting Essay

Information Systems for Managment Accounting - Essay Example Budgeted sales in unit $2200 Add desired ending inventory $0 = total needs $2200 Less beginning inventory $0 Required Production $ 2200 The production budget is calculated on March 2009 Budgeted sales in unit $1400 Add desired ending inventory $0 = total needs $1400 Less beginning inventory $0 Required Production $ 1400 The production budget is calculated on April 2009 Budgeted sales in unit $2500 Add desired ending inventory $0 = total needs $2500 Less beginning inventory $ 0 Required Production $ 2500 Sales Budget for Hope Ltd. Material Purchase Budget for the Hope Limited Units material cost per unit material purchase budget 2008 May 1,100 40 44000 June 1,300 40 52000 July 1,500 40 60000 August 1,700 40 68000 September 1,900 40 76000 October 2,100 40 84000 November 2,300 40 92000 December 2,500 40 100000 2009 January 2,300 40 92000 February 2,200 40 88000 March 1,400 40 56000 April 2,500 40 100000 Total for year 22,800 40 912000 Direct Labor Budget for the Hope Ltd. Units 2008 labor hour per unit total labor hour Direct labor cost Direct Labor Budgets May 1,100 2 2200 8 17600 June 1,300 2 2600 8 20800 July 1,500 2 3000 8 24000 August 1,700 2 3400 8 27200 September 1,900 2 3800 8 30400 October 2,100 2 4200 8 33600 November 2,300 2 4600 8 36800 December 2,500 2 5000 8 40000 2 8 2009 2 8 January 2,300 2 4600 8 36800 February 2,200 2 4400 8 35200 March 1,400 2 2800 8 22400 April 2,500 2 5000 8 40000 Total for year 22,800 2 45600 8 364800 Production Overhead Total Fixed Production Overhead 91200 Total Fixed Admin. And Distribution Overhead 36000 Total Fixed Overhead 127200 Variable Overhead 5 per labour hour(5) (45600) 228000 Total... Description: the overall company efficiency was increased later due to the credit sale for two months that causes loss. Therefore, the company must decrease its credit sale. On the other hand its distribution and administrative cost is also huge which is also required to minimize. Over all company goes in profit with time but its efficiency can be increased by lowering its cost.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

TNT Scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

TNT Scenario - Essay Example Scenario planning is an important strategic tool for improving the effectiveness of strategy (Glesecke, 1998, p.43). It is not about scenario writing but is more related to strategic planning (Lindgre, and Bandhold, 2003 p.21). For example, TNT wants to obtain and maintain its strategic objectives in the European market. For this purpose, it decides that till the end of 2015, it will have to increase 5 per cent market share in the European market. To implement this change, more effective strategy is required in which the PEST (political, economic, social and technological) factors will be considered. Currently, the political environment looks stable and more business friendly than ever before. Subsequently, the cost inflation and cost of living are showing more stability because the entire European economy has recently recovered its debt crisis and the businesses and consumers are experiencing a rising confidence in the business activities. Moreover, the technological changes are tak ing place which can directly or indirectly put positive effect on the business activity. After this environmental scanning, TNT must increase its marketing and promotion cost along with providing and offering a range of incentives and discounts for attracting customers from untapped markets. In this regard, it is important to highlight that marketing cost should be increased by 30 per cent as this will increase more chances of attracting new customers. In this strategy, social media, print and electronic media should used. Technological advancement is the biggest threat for the company. TNT mainly relies on providing postal services across the world. However, recent changes in the technology in which paper-free sharing of information and more digital communication are being preferred. In this regard, TNT faces serious threat from the technological changes because new methods are being created which make the previous Technology can also be termed as an opportunity for the company. In this regard, it is important to highlight that the requirements and needs for business to business and business to customer have not changed much and still correspondence and communication is vital part of their business strategy. However, they have changed their communication method from postal to the digital aspect. If TNT decides to revamp its business strategy by investing in research and development especially in the field of information technology, then, there are chances that the company will be in a position to avail this opportunity.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Learning disabilities of children Research Paper

Learning disabilities of children - Research Paper Example The paper presents the expert professional opinions and empirical evidences regarding identification of children with learning difficulties; the law that guarantees special learning education of children, and how parents and educators cope with the problem; and will come up with some recommendations on suitable treatments of children with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities of Children Introduction I grew up with the belief that there is no such thing as learning disorders, and that there are only lazy students and motivated ones; there are stupid children and there are bright ones. However, recent studies and conclusive researches proved this belief to be non-conclusive and wrong. Several studies on brain researches showed that there are differences between the brains of the individuals with learning disabilities and those without, and that the architecture of the brain of the child with learning disabilities is different (Smith 2005). Most often, the learning disabilities are not known to parents when children are born and differences are manifested only as the child goes to school and grows up. In most cases, parents and the family do not know the reasons and therefore cannot cope up with the problem. In this context, it is important that they understand the behavioral problems of the child in order to provide appropriate solutions.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Streaming DVDs via NBN project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Streaming DVDs via NBN project - Assignment Example The aim of this report is to present the (DVD streaming service) via the National Broadband Network NBN in the library. It is to be noted that the target audience are individual users such as the library patrons. The project shall further take into consideration the overall project plan, the potential benefits that can be obtained from implementing the plan, the target audience for the new service, the stakeholders and the resource requirements. It shall also consider the impact of new service on current library service. Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 2 3 Project Plan 4 Project Initiation 4 Accessing the DVDs Streaming Permission 4 Availing Permission 5 Selection of Name 5 Planning For Interactivity 5 Estimate Labour Cost 5 Look For Employee 6 Planning For Guidelines 6 Adding To Library Pamphlet 6 Advertisement 6 Link to Service Library 6 Send Email for Library Membership 7 Introducing the Service to the Market 7 Potential Benefits 7 Target Audience 9 Stakeholders 9 Anticipate d Resourcing Requirement 10 Impact on Current Library Services 11 Issues/ Areas for Further Exploration 12 Conclusion 13 References 14 Task List 16 Appendix B 17 CIPP Framework 17 Project Plan Project Initiation Preparation of the project plan involves considerable efforts and decision making capabilities so that the project can be completed and executed successfully. The National Broadband Network (NBN) is considered to be one of the Australia’s first speed internet services, which includes three technologies such as optic fibre, satellite and fixed wireless (Media Access Australia, 2011). It has been recognised from the case study that the Department of Broadband, Communication and the Digital Economy offered funds so that it can extend the Digital Enterprise and Digital Communities initiatives. After the creation of the National Broadband Network, it will be significant for the service provision agencies to initiate to identify the ways in which they can exploit the increa se bandwidth as well as connectivity that the network is capable of providing. It can be mentioned NBN is linked to the libraries. The project aims at identifying the ways of involving with the NBN in order to improve the services offered to the users. Accessing the DVDs Streaming Permission Through public libraries the members are capable of accessing a variety of services as well as programs. It has been identified that the DVDs are considered as one of the topmost formats for movies and most of the users consider libraries to be the main source for movies. Hence, in light of the altering media landscape there is greater demand for the DVD streaming services by the individual users (Swank, 2012). A wide range of services that the libraries offer can gain advantage from the use of NBN services such as computer as well as internet class, story time along with author events. The main idea of this project is to make use of NBN so that the library services, in particular, DVD service c an be supported (Alemna & Adanu, 2005). Availing Permission It is significant to avail the permission

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Answering the Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Answering the Question - Essay Example The industry must have some factors that may attract the investors. Banks is a quick option to raise start-up capital in collateral presence, but the concept is different in the cases of venture capitalists. The investors in ventures scrutinize the company and asses it growth potential, whether there is a chance of whooping great profits within a short time. In short, the company or business idea must have some great market potential in it. Secondly, its remains fundamental option to put self in the investors shoes. Investors are keen and quick to invest in a company with an assuring management team, growing company with a future. Therefore, a business plan must have a clear indicator of the company’s success elements. The entrepreneur must demonstrate full awareness of the target audience. Any good business idea will always have an aspiring investor willing to cash in his resources. Investors vary in their characteristics. Some analyse possibility of assumption control, executive positions, degree of risks and company maturity. The entrepreneur must be aware of the portfolios and profiles of such investors, and this can be made possible through consistent research. Moreover, the business plan and specifically the executive summary dictate the path the business is likely to take. It does establish a close connection between the potential investor and the business (Choe, pg. 45). No confidential information should be added up in a business plan. The plan should be a summation of not more than five pages, articulating the growth strategies, marketing strategies, definition of the products, funds requirements and market entry criteria. Furthermore, to counter the aspiring investor’s inquisitiveness, explain the team one is working with, financial projections, target clients, major competitors, and strategies to outdo the competitors, usage the profits raised and other

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ethics Article Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Article Analysis - Research Paper Example These code of ethics help to ensure that the individuals who control the company’s infrastructure are recognizing their duties when it comes to financial decision making. Moreover these ethics greatly help in helping these individuals to take proper financial decisions in the business. Within a company a code of ethics is developed to which every individual of the company has to abide. However in some situations the code of ethics is not followed by the newer employees and they tend to break the codes. This in turn violates the code of ethics and the financial decisions become distorted. An example can be cited here about the senior financial officers who are already working in the company. These financial officers know that the information of the company should be kept confidential whereas if a new financial officer comes and he is unaware of the fact he might the leak the information out. And because of this leakage the financial decisions now taken would be not that effecti ve. Similarly the code of ethics also mandates it on the employees that they do not use the resources of the company inefficiently. However the company cannot measure all the minute activities of these employees and in order to abide by the code of ethics a company would be forced to involve more finances towards the check and balance of employees. While making financial decisions in compliance with the ethics it is necessary to see that the individuals who are involved do not have any personal or professional relationship with the issue. This can affect the financial decision making as the individuals who would have personal gains would tend to distort important information about the company. Financial Executives International is a company which abides by the code of ethics. `The company involves these ethics in all the financial processes that it implements. The company strictly follows these code of ethics and makes sure that all the positive cash flow is achieved after

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Psychosocial Assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Psychosocial Assessment - Research Paper Example Rachel begins by describing her disliking of her mother’s idea to take her to a kindergarten: she strongly hates schooling life and doubts the idea that her mother intended for her good by sending her to school. In a way, she hates her mother for this and says that the idea to send her to school was to separate her from her mother. At school, in a kindergarten class, Rachel envies her mate’s drawings and dislikes the idea that their teacher likes her mate’s drawings so much that she (Rachel) maliciously spills dye on them. It is apparent that Rachel unusually hates everything on her way: she hates all teachers; she hates her father; she hates her sister and her mother; she hates food; she hates and quits her job; she hates her husband; and she hates her house (Reiland, 2004, p1-9). It goes without saying that Rachel is undergoing an unusual mental instability because she sees, acts and/or responds in an unusually erratic way to various happenings around her life (Aguirre, 2007, p6). This study has focused on Rachel’s mental condition as portrayed in the book. The main objective of the study is to conduct a psycho-social assessment on Rachel’s realizable symptoms to determine whether she is suffering from BPD. It is quite important to identify a person with BPD because it is a treatable health condition. Later in the study, using DSM IV TR criteria to interrelate Rachel’s symptoms, Rachel’s status with regard to BPD is established and clinical implications and treatment suggestions made or recommended. It is a global concern that many people dismiss BPD as being ‘just another kind of personality’ (Mondimore & Kelly, 2011, p19). BPD can be problematic. For example, as Reiland (2004, p118) puts it, BPD can cause damage not only to the one suffering, but also to their loved ones. It is, however, more of self destructive than it can

My drama group comprised Essay Example for Free

My drama group comprised Essay My drama group comprised of five people including myself. We set out to create an improvised piece of drama, thematically based on greed, love, betrayal, envy and revenge. During the time spent preparing for our improvisation, we came across many sources that had an immense influence on our piece. In order to appropriately progress with the play, we had to research the key elements within the sources to which were relevant to our context. As it was an improvised production we did not follow a set script but created a basic guideline from which we could refer to and enable us to keep on track. Our research into these sources was definitely apparent in our final performance, which was acted out in front of our drama set. In this essay, I intend to compare our improvised piece of drama with the sources we used in order to point out the similarities and illustrate the inspiration we drew from them. During the course of producing our play, we used the well-known novel and recently filmed The Count of Monte Cristo to draw influence on certain scenes, which clearly showed up in our final production. The plot of the Count of Monte Cristo is also thematically based upon betrayal, love, greed, envy and revenge. As a young sailor, Edmond Dantes, an honest and humble man whose peaceful life and plans to marry his wife Mercedes are ruined when his supposed best friend, Vernand, betrays him in order to get Mercedes for himself. Edmond is unjustly sentenced to an island prison after being framed by Vernand for high treason and is trapped in a nightmare for thirteen years. This key element is clearly apparent in our piece of drama, as Fernando, a rich and successful man soon to wed his Fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e Victoria, is betrayed by his two deceitful friends who envy his wealth and is cast away by them to a deserted island. Obviously we have shared and incorporated the same basic ideas and themes in order to create an improvised piece of our own. A similar pattern is followed in the theme of revenge. In the Count of Monte Cristo Edmond is aided by an elderly and wise inmate whom he learns from and the two plot to escape from prison but only Edmond succeeds and returns to his mainland execute revenge on those who wronged him, under the title of a mysterious Count of Monte Cristo. We too were able draft the theme of revenge into our play. Fernando is aided by a castaway on the island who helps him survive and teaches him how to fight. Eventually, he escapes back to his homeland alone and executes revenge on his old friends using his new skills. This worked effectively in our production and formed the backbone plot to our final improvisation. Both the periods of the Count of Monte Cristo and our play is set in the mid seventeenth century so more research had to be done to make our characters realistic. Another key source that we researched carefully to progress with our island scene was the film, Cast Away. In this movie, a man is cast away to a deserted island where he is forced to learn how to survive for only one reason, his love for his wife. This inspired our play as the only things which Fernando wants to live for when he is on the island is to see his wife again and to execute revenge on his friends who betrayed him. We used the idea of being abandoned alone from home on an island but we incorporated a companion to our main character, Dartanion, who had been living on the island for more than seven years. Research into his characters speech, movement, body language etc was essential as we could not comprehend how somebody would be like after living alone on an island for seven years and therefore looking into movie of Cast Away was very useful. These two sources were our main areas of influence. However we did look into the classic story Robinson Crusoe where a civilized man meets a savage and teaches him how to be civilised. In the case of our play, a savage man teaches a civilised man to be more savage and the basic survival skills. We made it a point to show the character development of Fernando in terms of acting and the on stage relationship between the two. In conclusion, our play was a joint extract of all these sources combined with our own interpretation and improvisation.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay Example for Free

Personal Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay Classroom Management is an essential element in implementing a successful learning environment for students. A teacher who implements a classroom management plan will control student’s misbehavior so that all students will be focused on the lessons being taught in the classroom. Below is an annotated list of points that I believe in concerning my view of classroom management. 1. How teacher should act: * Enthusiastic- A teacher should show enthusiasm when she is teaching the lessons. The teacher needs to show that she is excited about teaching the lessons so that the students will stay interested in listening and understanding the subject area content. * Respectful- The teacher should treat students with respect and also demand respect. She should never use fowl language, inappropriate behavior, share too much personal information or act in ways that are not ethical. * Role Model- A teacher should act as a role model to her students. The teacher should not do anything that would jeopardize her career as a teacher that would make her students look down upon her. She also must live a life that students look up to so they will remember that teacher forever. * Patiently- A teacher must exhibit patience in class. Every student learns at different paces and at different levels. A teacher must be willing to be patient if the students are not grasping the information. She should explain the information to the students until they finally understand the lesson 2. How students are expected to behave: * Respectful- Students are to be respectful towards the teacher and to each other. Students should show respect to the teacher by not talking when the teacher is instructing the class. The students should show respect to each other by not hitting each other, making fun of another, or taking one’s personal belongings. * On Task-Students should stay on task in class. Students should be focused on the teacher’s lessons and instructions. They should not be wandering off getting off task. If the students are off task, they will not understand the lessons or remember what happened in class. Also the teacher will have to go back and teach the lesson again which can cause the teacher to be off target teaching the curriculum and it will result in student’s receiving poor test scores. * Appropriately Well Behaved- Students should be well behaved in class. It is important for students to understand the importance of good behavior. If students are well behaved in the classroom, the teacher can spend more time instructing the students than time spent on behavioral issues. In a well behaved classroom, students are able to learn effectively. * Academically Prepared- Students are to come to school academically prepared. The students should complete their homework assignment each day in order to make sure they understand the subjects that are being taught. They should always come prepared to listen to the subject matter, offer their opinions, and ask god questions in class. 3. What the classroom might look and feel like: * Engaging- The classroom should look and feel engaging to the student. In the classroom, the teacher can arrange the classroom that promotes student interaction and group collaboration. Students should be seated in a circle or horseshoe shape that maximizes the amount of eye contact students can have with each other. * Clean and Organized Classroom- A teacher’s classroom should be clean and organized. The school supplies should be neatly organized and in a safe place where students can safely access the supplies. * Filled with student’s work- The classroom should be filled with student’s work on projects. The students will feel comfortable and engaged if what they are learning in class will be showcased in the classroom. The student can look around the room and be reminded to always do their best on their assignments. This also sends a message to students that their work and learning is important. * Student Centered The classroom should be focused on the students. In the student centered classroom, you will find workstations that promote group activities such as puzzles or brainteasers that promote student collaboration. 4. How the teacher helps students conduct themselves properly: * Demonstrating the Rules- The teacher should teach, review, and practice rules form beginning of school till the end of school. The teacher should also let students demonstrate good behaviors and bad behaviors so that students will understand how to follow the rules and to have good behavior in class. * Reinforce positive behavior with Incentives- A teacher can help students conduct themselves properly by providing incentives through positive behavior. A student who exhibits positive behavior weekly will pick a price out of the treasure chest. This will result in students with bad behavior to act better if they see students winning cool prizes. * Student and Parent Contracts- To ensure students are behaving properly, student and parent contracts are sent home for parents and students to sign. This contract outlines what is expected from the student’s behavior, academics, and the parent’s commitment in the child’s education. This will be very helpful in helping the students have good behavior in class. * Character Education Mini Lessons tied to Curriculum- Teachers can tie in the classroom rules and good behavioral skills as mini-lessons. Before teaching the lessons, the teacher can discuss how to treat others, how to walk quietly in the halls, and do not talk while others are talking. By having these mini lessons on how students should behave will remind them of how to have good behavior in class. 5. What the teacher should do about misbehavior: * Cues- Teachers uses a cue or a simple verbal reprimand to redirect a student’s focus which eliminates the inappropriate behavior. A teacher can also praise the efforts of students with good behavior which can reduce the misbehavior among the other students. * Consequences such as loss of recess- If a student keeps misbehaving, the teacher can use the consequence of loss recess. The majority of students like to go to recess. If the student knows their punishment by loss of recess due to their misbehavior, their behavior will improve. * Private conference with student- If the student still misbehaves, the teacher will need to talk with the student. The teacher will inform the student that his or her misbehavior will not be tolerated in class and his or her parents will be contacted if the misbehavior continues. * Contact parent- A teacher should contact the parents if the student keeps misbehaving in class. If the teacher lets the parents know how their child behaves in class, then the parents can also talk to the child and discipline them at home. 6. How students should be taught and what is expected of them: * Post rules in the classroom- Teachers can post rules in the classroom so that students can be reminded each day of how to properly behave in class. Also the teacher can give quizzes to students about the poster rules throughout the year. * Clear articulation and communication in the syllabus- Teachers should communicate clearly about what is expected of student’s assignments and their behavior in class. For example, informing students to always do their best on their work or their handwriting must be neat on all of their assignments should be clearly communicated. Creating a syllabus will also inform students of when their assignments are due.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Treatment Intervention for Paranoid Schizophrenia Case Study

Treatment Intervention for Paranoid Schizophrenia Case Study Jack Dwight (not his real name), aged 26 was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in October 2004. In August 2004 Jack’s best friend was killed by a group of youths who were terrorising their neighbourhood. Before the diagnosis Jack’s family was concerned about his constant complaints of headache and tummy ache. He suffered from a severe lack of appetite. He lost a lot of weight in a short time – from 120 to 108 kg in just two months. Jack no longer paid attention to his personal hygiene – his body odour was unbearable. Around September 2004 Jack developed an uncontrollable fear that he was going to be run over by a vehicle. He would not be persuaded to venture into the street, even going to his favourite store to get cigarettes for himself. He became extremely anti-social, keeping to himself in his locked bedroom most of the time. His family could not cope with his anger outbursts, which sometimes became violent. Thus it was that in October Jack was diag nosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Jack’s behaviour proved that Pinker (1997) is right when he states that sometimes, when thrust into a new and highly stressful situation, people suffer acute paranoia. For six weeks Jack was admitted to a psychiatric hospital where a team of specialists worked with him. It was on the 14th December 2004 that Jack was sent back home, and I became a part of his home staff of care providers. The medical staff prescribed pain killers – Paracetamol or Codeine for his headache, and antacids like Gaviscon for the tummy. It was agreed that care givers should try to redirect him whenever possible when he complained about head or tummy aches. It was suggested that since Jack enjoyed tea, he should first be offered calming tea when he complained of pain. He was also given Multi vitamins and Risperdal to take in the morning and evening. Jack is now happy to ask for a cup of Camomile tea whenever he has a headache. He understands that if his headache persists, he is allowed to take pain killers. He enjoys receiving positive feedback when he does not ask for painkillers all the time. He has even suggested that I serve him a cup of Camomile tea once every h our because he has realized that this controls his headaches. He has not made this request to my colleague who takes care of him when I am off duty. Instead, he gets the usual headache during this care giver’s shift. At this point one wonders whether this is similar to what Sorensen, Paul, and Mariotto (1988) refer to when they say â€Å"in some cases the paranoia diminishes for psychological reasons rather than because of the drug’s action.† I argue this because Jack’s headaches seem to surface when he is taken care of by some, and not other care givers. To this effect Smith (2003) is of the opinion that the outcome of therapy â€Å"may be determined by the ‘chemistry’ or fit between the therapist and the client than the specific modality being employed.† (p.61) In order to improve his appetite, Jack’s nutritionist suggested that Jack should be involved in the planning of a healthy menu. His opinion was to be sought and he was encouraged to plan his meals, choosing from a wide range of foods in the refrigerator. Care givers were advised to invite him to participate in the cooking and preparation of his meals, if he so wished. That plan worked very well because he felt a sense of ownership and was very proud to be serving his care givers the food that he himself has prepared. He started to enjoy meals that he had planned himself. This also made him to take an interest in reading the labels on all food packages, and he was proud to tell staff about the nutritional value of foodstuffs. The advantages of Jack’s involvement in the kitchen were enormous. Apart from improving his appetite, Jack also took an interest in going grocery shopping – something he had previously refused to do. He realized that he had to bathe and dress in clean clothes before going shopping. So his state of personal hygiene improved. He enjoyed watching his reflection in the mirror before going out. We now turn the trips to the grocery store into special excursions. I have noticed that even his need for a cup of Camomile tea disappears when we prepare to go shopping. It is not uncommon for him to compile the shopping list before going out. Jack recently invited his case manager to join us for shopping because he wanted to show her how well he was managing the shopping exercise. Before Jack’s friend was killed, they both worked as shop assistants in the local supermarket. During his illness Jack did not want to see any of his former work mates. He believed that they had plotted against his friend, and that they would do the same against him. This behaviour is in line with what Smith (2003) says, â€Å"paranoid persons have a highly developed aptitude for fabricating stories – making connections is like seeing shapes in clouds.† (p.39) In January 2005 the case manager helped Jack to sign up for membership at the local Clubhouse where care providers accompany him to attend meetings at least three times a week. Jack has met and talked to other individuals who have had a similar illness to his. The counselling they receive at the Clubhouse has helped Jack to want to renew his membership of his former workplace’s bowling club. From March 2005 Jack has been accepting invitations from former work mates to go bowling with them. The local Clubhouse operates on a slightly psychoanalytical manner in the sense that it serves all of Smith’s (2003) purposes in one integrated package. At the Clubhouse psychological problems are addressed in a comprehensive interdisciplinary method. Clients are given vocational training so that they can attain some basic skills of concentration and reasoning that would enable them to fit in the job world again. In May 2005 Jack was invited, through the help of the case manager, by his former employer to work some shifts. At the moment his job is in the cafeteria section where he works three hours for four days in a week. He cleans tables and makes sure the dining area is generally clean. Jack seems to enjoy going to work. His job coach, a qualified rehabilitation specialist reports that Jack is an asset at work, the cafeteria manager is pleased and speaks highly of Jack. At the Clubhouse clients also receive training in handling their finances. Jack is now capable of balancing his bank balance. He draws a budget, based on what he earns from his employer and his weekly allowance. He compares prices and chooses which hairdresser, restaurant, super market, etc. to visit. Qualified physiotherapists are available to advise clients on the best ways to relax. They teach clients how to breathe, exercise muscles, or meditate when feeling anxious. The Clubhouse staff also organises evening social events during most weekends. Clients are invited to bring friends and / or family along. Jack was reluctant to attend these social events at first, but as soon as he started going out with his ex colleagues, he felt comfortable to attend the Clubhouse events as well. He has recently made friends with a few clients of his age group, and they love to dance and sing. I have lately experienced some difficulty in getting Jack to stop dancing when it is time to go home. The nutritionist has suggested that his high energy levels may be caused by some refreshments that are served during the evening of festivities. The care givers have been advised to encourage Jack to take sugar free drinks. It seems that Jack’s progress causes him to lack the insight to appreciate the full extent of his illness. Pennington et. al. (2003) state that sometimes positive symptoms of schizophrenia distort a person’s ability to perceive his or her own condition. Jack realizes that he has missed out on fun activities, so he might be trying to make up for lost time. It is therefore difficult for him to understand the need to control his excitement levels. Although a lot of progress is made in Jack’s health one cannot quantify the success. Smith (2003) contends that â€Å"in order to measure psychological change, one must possess an instrument to do the measuring. The psychological test used must be both valid and reliable. A valid test is one that is adequately underwritten by empirical evidence and able to produce consistent results.† (p.61). It is unfortunate that care providers in Jack’s case do not always compile comprehensive reports about our shifts’ proceedings. There is no standard instrument of assessment that can produce measurable results. Reports compiled at the end of a shift may be subjective. With regards to symptoms, for example one care giver might conclude that a particular action points to worse illness while another might not think so. It is also a subjective matter whether a symptom is or not present because what one might regard as a symptom, another might not. The therapeutic modality may be effective, but if it is applied inappropriately outcomes may be unreliable. It is also disheartening that the care providers do not maintain their positions for long. During the six months that I have been taking care of Jack, three care providers have left. Jack needs stability and consistency in order to regain his sense of trust and confidence in people. I have noted that he becomes very sad when a staff member leaves. He takes it very personally, becomes moody for some time and blames himself when a care provider resigns. I have also noted that not all family members take part in discussions or attend meetings organised by the medical staff to help Jack, so there is an information gap which slows down progress. One afternoon during the Easter weekend Jack went out with his older brother who lives with the family, in the same house as Jack. They left home around 7pm and did not come home until the early hours of the next morning. They had been to a pub, and Jack argued with some people there. Jack spent the rest of the weekend in a bad mood – using foul language and banging doors. Time out did not really help. Jack later confessed to me that he was disappointed with himself, for having lost his temper and nearly ‘getting himself killed’. Had Jack’s brother attended all family therapy meetings, had he taken the time to find out what needs to be considered when Jack enjoys a night out, Jack would not have had a relapse. Care givers often feel inadequate when confronted by unrea sonable family members. When one interrogates the motives behind bullying relatives or irresponsible actions like Jack brother’s, one cannot but agree with theories like Bentall’s (2003) when he asserts that there are many people who suffer from undiagnosed forms of psychoses. Who, if not a psychotic person would expose his / her paranoid brother to a pub full of night revellers? Such questions are bound to remain unanswered for some time because the approach to schizophrenia itself is in need of improvement, so that it does not just assume that there is a distinct line between what is considered mental illness and mental health. A lot of ground has been covered in the study of paranoid schizophrenia, but a lot more still has to be covered. Studies examining the diagnosis of schizophrenia are not very reliable and consistent. The fact that it was Jack who showed remorse, and not his brother after the incident at the pub proves this assertion. Assessment is also another area that needs extensive research. The anti-psychiatry movement also finds fault with the diagnostic approach to schizophrenia. Bentall (2003) explains how proponents in this field argue for their case – stating that to classify specific thoughts and behaviours as an illness allows social control of people that society finds undesirable but who have committed no crime. Jack had committed no crime, but his loss made him to behave in a manner that is not so acceptable by society. An assessment of Jack’s condition at this point in time might also pose a challenge to psychologists. One care provider who ‘gets on well’ wi th Jack might assess him as stable, yet another might not. The challenge continues. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bentall, P.P. (2003) Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature. London:  Penguin. Pinker, S. (1997) How The Mind Works. London: Penguin. Smith, D.L. (2003) Psychoanalysis in Focus. London: Sage Publications. JOURNALS: Sorensen, D.J. ; Paul, G.L. ; Mariotto, M.J. (1988) Inconsistences in paranoid functioning, premorbid adjustment and chronicity: Questions of diagnostic criteria. Schizophrenia Bulletin Vol. 25 (4) pp.570-575.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Blackboard Inc. :: Essays Papers

Blackboard Inc. It is a growing trend in today’s society in that the internet is spreading. It is more common for a young child before the age of 10 to use the internet more than an adult beyond the age of 25. [1] The internet and age of computers have enabled students and adults to search for information more efficiently. Everything possible can be found online by just a click of a mouse. It is fast, reliable, and functional in many settings, school for one. Education has taken a turn, online, in adapting to the advances with the internet. Colleges and Universities have taken advantage of their student’s use of online services and have taken school beyond the classroom. Educators are realizing the importance of computer programs, such as Blackboard, to achieve new goals in education. Internet use is not solely for those just in college as numbers show that those not attending college use the internet just as much. Researchers say that about half, 51.5 %, of 18-24 year olds use the internet and are not in school. Now those who are attending a college or university between this age group are more likely to use to the internet, numbers show that 85% of students do so.[2] It is reasonable to say that college students will most likely use the internet more as classes and school work can be provided via the internet. Schoolwork has been able to appear on the internet through a program called Blackboard. It has become the leading provider of Internet infrastructure software for e-Education in today’s society as it is widely used across many campuses. Blackboard was created in June of 1997 from students and faculty at Cornell University. Their intend was to develop an online software program which would advance online education and be capable for other institutions to use as well. Two other important people in the creation of Blackboard would be two education consultants, Matthew Pittinsky and Michael Chasen. Their job was to lead the Educause IMS standards group for online education technology as they had formally created Blackboard LLC.

Why Is Religion Important? :: Why Study Religion?

Religion has always been with us. Throughout history, it has expressed the deepest questions human beings can ask, and it has taken a central place in the lives of virtually all civilizations and cultures. As we think all the way back to the dawn of human consciousness, we find religion everywhere we turn. This may be true of the past, but what about the present—and the future? In recent times, critics have suggested that religion is on the way out. Technology and science have changed our view of the world radically, leading some to say that we've entered a new stage of human existence, without religion. Soon, they argue, it will truly be a thing of the past. In our day and age, rumors of religion's demise seem very premature—and perhaps there's no grain of truth in them at all. Religion persists and is often on the rise, even as scientific and non-religious perspectives have become prominent. We still find religion everywhere, on television, in film, in popular music, in our towns and neighborhoods. We discover religion at the center of global issues and cultural conflict. We see religion in the lives of the people we know and love, and in ourselves, as we live out and wrestle with our own religious faith. Why does religion continue to thrive? There are many reasons, but one thing is certain: religious traditions are adaptable in important ways. For many, contemporary religion even has room for skepticism, science, and the secular, which allows it to keep going strong in our rapidly changing world.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Use of Symbols and Symbolism in To Kill A Mockingbird :: Kill Mockingbird essays

Use of Symbolism in To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee effectively uses symbolism throughout her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. Jem's nursing of the flowers denotes his courage that he nurses in order to be able to tolerate people's criticism of his family, especially of his father. He was forced to take care of the camellias just as he was forced to live with anger, disappointment and a big question mark in his young heart about the workings of grownups. Atticus "never thought Jem'd be the one to lose his head over this" (110). However Jem did 'lose his head' and now he has to find the strength to control his emotions in order to avoid further trouble. This courage was hard to find but Mrs Dubose did find it and managed to break herself from morphine before she died. She also made sure Jem got a white waxy camellia she had prepared for him. The waxy camellia, the "Snow-on-the-Mountain" (118), could be a symbol of courage. She built her spirit little by little just as when she was making the camellia. Now it is Jem's turn to build his own. And as the camellia out of wax does not wither, in the same sense, tru e courage may be hard to build, but once built, it never leaves you. Mrs Dubose's camellias are not the only flowers that can be seen symbolically. Mayella Ewell's red geraniums also carry an important meaning. During the Robinson trial the reader is given a description of the Ewell's property. It is said that "what passed for a fence was bits of tree-limbs , broomsticks and tool shafts, all tipped with rusty hammer-heads, snaggle-toothed rake heads, shovels, axes and grubbing hoes, held on with pieces of barbed wire. Enclosed by this barricade was a dirty yard containing the remains of a Model-T Ford, a discarded dentist's chair, an ancient ice-box, plus lesser items: old shoes, worn-out table radios, picture frames, and fruit jars, under which scrawny orange chickens pecked hopefully". (176) The general picture one acquires by this description is that of a small dump, a place totally disordered like the "playhouse of an insane child" (176). One can easily guess the rank of the people who lived there. However, "against the fence, in a lin e, were six chipped-enamel slop jars holding brilliant red geraniums, cared for as tenderly as if they belonged to Miss Maudie Atkinson.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Instagram Term Paper

AMA COMPUTER LEARNING CENTER COLLEGE Tagbilaran City, Bohol INSTAGRAM (Android Application) A term paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY by: Josie Marie Mosqueda Edralyn Tutor 2012 ABSTRACT Today the folks responsible for one of the most popular social photography apps in the world  have brought that entertainment to  Android– and here we’re going to review it! What you’ll find is that this app is extremely similar to the iOS version, it having the ability to snap photos, edit them in brief, and send them out to several social networks.This Android version is said to be superior to the iOS version in several ways by its developers. This app got extremely popular on iOS because it allowed (and still allows) you to do three different activities in one app – photography, sharing, and editing of photos. Here on Android you’ve got several of those abilities built in – the HTC One series in-particular has some pretty amazing photo editing, taking, and sharing abilities. INTRODUCTION An important application for the tech-savvy crowd, Instagrams are all about the beauty of capturing moments through man-made lenses and sharing it with your near and dear!As Will Smith says â€Å" Life is not about number of breadths you take, it is about number of moments take your breath away†. Moments like that don’t happen everyday, but can be captured and cherished for the rest of your lives, thanks to the app called Instagram! Instagrams are solely for the Apple person, that is compatible with Iphones, Ipads, Ipod Touch with an iOS version of 3. 1. 2 or above. Instagram, the popular photo sharing application which gained prominence on iOS – is now available for Android. Complete with a beautiful user interface and a full feature-set, it seems to have been worth the nail biting.It is a free photo sharing application which helps you to click pictures, apply fresh effects on them using their inbuilt filters and then post it online on any social networking site like Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr etc. A list of the most popular filters are the Walden Filter, the X Pro II, the Lomo-Fi, the Brannan, the Hefe, the Earlybird, the Sutro, the Poprocket, the Nashville and the Gotham. HISTORY Below is a short Infographic on Instagram’s history. TIMELINE DISCUSSION Felling the walled gardenInstagram and  Hipstamatic, a digital photography application for iOS devices, entered into a partnership that would allow photos from the app to be directly ported into Instagram. â€Å"I’m a huge fan of what Hipstamatic is doing and all they’ve accomplished,† Systrom  said. â€Å"They were iPhone App of the Year in 2010 and we got 2011. We have a huge amount of respect for that whole team both as fellow photographers and entrepreneurs. † â€Å"Really it comes down to this: People post Hipst amatic photos on Instagram all the time, and we just want to make that experience easier. †Pictures paint more than a thousand words Instagram already has seven million users all over the world and the number is only going to get bigger when the Android app launches. There are loads of awesome photos available on Instagram today and these photos are inspiring others to follow suit. Taking Photos with Instagram Instagram has a built-in camera function, making it easy to quickly snap a photo to share in the app. You can also pull photos directly from your iPhone photo library, so you can share older photos taken with your iPhone or photos synced from your iPhoto library on your computer.All Instagram photos are square, so after you take or select a shot you are presented with an easy interface to scale and crop it. Transforming Photos with Instagram After your photo is cropped, you can transform the look of it with a variety of filters. Most of the filters are designed to give y our photo a vintage look, bringing back polaroids and old black-and-white pictures. While quick Photoshop style filters are often considered cheap tricks, people have embraced Instagram because it simply makes photo sharing fun. Photo Sharing with InstagramWhen you are done editing an Instagram, you can choose to share it just within the app or on Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Posterous, Tumblr and Foursquare. Instagram also creates a web page with your image that you can link to, but that's as far as the website goes. It is not the place to follow people, view galleries or submit photos. All of that functionality is reserved for the app itself, where you can view photos from your friends, see popular photos, and find people to follow and more. FEATURES OF INSTAGRAM * 100% free custom designed filters and borders The Lux: A new feature given by the makers to bring out the inner nuances in your picture with nothing but a tap on the picture! Best part in using Lux is that it can be used even without a filter. * Instant sharing to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Foursquare (Flickr coming very soon) * A new filter called the Sierra. * Interact with friends through giving ; receiving likes and comments * Works with Android versions 2. 2 and above that support OpenGL ES 2 * Full front ; back camera support SCREENSHOTS ADVANTAGES OF INSTAGRAM Instagram is great especially if you are fond of taking pictures and uploading them right away for other people to see. * It is fast like when you took a picture, uploaded it and it will automatically be uploaded or posted on your facebook account, twitter and tumblr. * It offers a lot of effects, or if you want your photo to have a frame or not. * You can be updated on your friends’ happenings or your friends’ important announcements. * A great way of making or meeting new friends. * You can also advertise your own products if you have some business or shops.You can take a photo of your products and post it on instagr am and it can help you gain more customers. * Another great thing is that, there are some photo applications that you can directly upload on instagram the photos you have taken or edited. One of this is the photoshake, it's up to you if you want to upload the photo you took directly on instagram or just save it on your mobile phone or tablet. DISADVANTAGE OF INSTAGRAM * Privacy – where in, every detail and every photo that you will be uploading, a lot of people might see it.Rumors can also start by others seeing some photos of you not being good. Your life can be at danger especially if you always takes a photo of you on where you at and what are you doing. CONCLUSION Above all, Instagram is made for us to enjoy the convenient of taking some pictures with our loved ones. And take note, important pictures with our friends, family, classmates or any special ones. Instagram is not made to make rumors of other people, to make fun at them and to invade others privacy. The team has certainly come a long way, to create a better world for its users.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Raisin in the Sun †“Success” Essay

Success. Websters dictionary defines it as The feat of something desired, planned, or attempted the gaining of fame or prosperity.Although to genuinely understand the meaning of mastery, one de human raced to understand the relationship between success and polishs. Success can simply be accomplishing your goals, but can also tipet a deeper meaning, such as bear(prenominal) gain. In the moderate A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, the juniors, Walter and Lena especi ally, argon portrayed as a typical African American family in the 1950s, trying to weigh the prejudices that haunt every aspect of their lives. Lorraine Hansberry takes us through the journey of the Youngers as they attempt to accomplish their dreams and reach success. Overall, despite the obstacles they face such as racism, sexism, and dishonesty, Walter Lee and Lena Mamma Younger accomplish success to certain extents Walter achieves complete face-to-face success and Mamma is completely prosperi ng in her goal to debauch a family for her children and Travis.Walter Lee Younger reaches per boyalized success by achieving personal growth and improvement. In the offset printing of this make, Walter is irresponsible and narcissistic which is shown through many occasions such when mommy tells Walter Ruth is thinking turn acquire rid of that child. (75) And later Walter has manifestly been drinking. (pg. 77) Essentially, Walter develops that his wife is pregnant and thinking of getting an abortion, and being the irresponsible egoistic man he was, he went out and got drunk. Additionally, we learn that Walterss investment did not effect out and mum asks him about his child Beneethas money and he says Mama I never went to the bank at all (pg. 129) This quote indicates how utterly bootless he really was, to throw all of his sisters money lay out for her tuition just for his own investment.It also shows that he no daylong has any self worth or primp in himself or his family, which is evidently greatly valued throughout the family. At the end he ends up losing the money, for which around people would look at him as unsuccessful, but at the end of the book, he truly does he redeem himself. On pg. 148 Walter invites Linder over and intends on forfeiting any pride left and getting on his knees to beg for money, but instead something incredible happens.His intend message was forgotten when he looks upon his son and family and a re impudented sense of self worth and value possesses him as he says We have decided to move into our house because my father- my father- has earned it for us brick by brick we slangt want to make no trouble for nobody or foment no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors. (148) Through this one quote, Walters self growth is app bent as he at long last stands up for his family and transitions into an honest, caring man as opposed to the selfish boy he was at the beginning of the book . As a sequel of this personal g rowth, Walter Lee Younger has reach absolute personal success.Throughout the book A Raisin in the Sun, Lena Younger, aka Mama, has been portrayed as the overbearing, but caring mother and granny whose main goal seems to be to buy a real house for her children and grandchild. This goal is made apparent on when she finally buys the house and says Well- at least let me tell him something, I want him to be the first one to hear scram here, Travis. (pg. 90) This quote shows her obvious love and partiality for her beloved grandson and later on she says You sprightly about the house? Its departure to be yours when you get to be a man. (pg. 91)These quotes clarify her dreams to move into a stark naked house to make Travis happy and they are accomplished when after Walters speech, Linder questions her approving and she firmly states that My son said we was sledding to move and there aint nothing left for me to say. (148) Lorraine Hansberry then ends her book with the Youngers finall y deviation their apartment behind, showing that in the end, Mama did accomplish her dream and was successful in her goal of moving into a new house for her family.Throughout Lorraine Hansberrys fable A Raisin in the Sun, Lena and Walter Lee Younger face many prejudices and obstacles in the mien of accomplishing their dreams, but in the end they are successful.

Market structure

cardinal basic types of securities industry structures ar 1- Perfect contention 2- Monopolistic contention 3- Oligopoly 4- Monopoly in that location is also a nonher(prenominal) food commercialize structure called Monopoly. 1- Perfect contention It is considered more than(prenominal)(prenominal) theoretical than practical, beca mannikin it is really r ar. In blame little(prenominal) plan a large tot of firms sell superposable products, where none of them has punctuate index finger. on that point no berries or truly easy to enter to the mart by any smart farm. Prices. For suit if we go to common retail shops to buy vegetables, we leave behind get at same prices from each and e precise shop.Fish market place at mannish is a very(prenominal) good and a transp bent example, where inside the market lot of traffickers tolerate be selling same fishes. Prices exit be array by the collect and supply. Neither emptor nor vender sets the price. It is more handle automates set. Characteristics of everlasting(a) ambition accommodate large umber of comminuted firms, equivalent products, finished resource mobility and arrant(a) knowledge. 2- Monopolistic tilt It is salubrious-nigh similar perfective tense contr everywheresy where large tally of miniscule firms sells similar solely non akin products. Relative freedom of entry, to and exit from the industry.It center emptors allow for have substitutes to choose from. Alternatives to buy for fulfill their ineluctably and wants. Examples of industries structures as monopolistic opposition involves, clothing industry, restaurants, and home and so on. 3- Oligopoly It is a market situation where products be supplied by small number of firms where ACH of them has influence all over pricing and supplies which directly effects the position of the contenders. I oligopoly in that respect is a special case where at that place is whole two producers atomic number 18 ca lled Duopoly. 4- Monopoly This is a market structure where scarcely one producer in a market who has to the summation control.Buyers do non have substitutes and have no choice. They have fargon control over supply and prices. In this market structure, seller is unceasingly happy and consumers suffer. They take more profit with a commodious b atomic number 18(a) none harbor from the products. Characteristics of monopoly includes single seller, unique product, berries o entry and specialize information. The fifth type of market structure which is not included in basic structures is Monopoly. It is upside devour of a monopoly where thither is besides one buyer. If we consult to a Mammalian context, authorities is the single buyer for the explosives and guns. Where on that point may be many sellers.Exhibit 1 Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Monopoly sum up of Sellers Many Few One Barriers to Entry actually Low Low real High image of Substitute Products Very good Good substitutes scarce differentiated Very good differentiated substitutes No good substitutes Nature of controversy Price only Marketing, features and price Advertising Pricing Power none Little Little to significant Significant As mentioned above, from 1988 to 2005 telecommunication industry of Maldives was a monopoly market. The following will elaborate how it was a monopoly and what was the situation during the monopoly. 988-2005 order of payment monopoly in Maldives It was account statement that people utilize to call gulping as Blood Suckers. When the guild started in the Maldives in Maldives thither was a telecommunication assist by cable and wireless which uses USB set to communicate among the islands. After their evincement as one and only telecoms receipts digestr in 1988 they brought a major upgrade to their lucre in 1989 in male and introduced paging improvement in the Maldives. They also introduced meshwork good for the very root age time in Maldives in 1996 followed by mobile phone service in 1997 which was upgraded to GSM in 1999.Being the only high society to provide the service and major piece of land controlled by the registerment of the Maldives, they introduced services at a colossal marginal value. Consumers have no substitution in the market, which make it enlist to grow up and cake huge profit and extended its service to nationwide, duration charging ridiculous juicyschool charges to cover its expansion costs and do more profit. It is usual to charge more from the consumers in monopoly market structure. In monopoly, ever seller is always happy and consumers ar unhappy.Some pros and cons of monopoly be Advantages Disadvantages Large bang-up scale benefit to the company More shoots to invest on development Earning national trade revenues Price discrimination surrounded by consumers Very high market tract Restricts production potential Do not actively pursue mod clients unworthy product quality Unfair wealth dissemination Entry barrier for new comers When Waiting telecoms Maldives (presently called tell) started their service officially in Maldives on initiative solemn 2005 shortly after they were licensed on initiatory of February 2005, the market structure changed to an oligopoly.Oligopoly In economics oligopoly convey that there argon few sellers of a indisputable product in a market. Usually these sellers atomic number 18 always in a high disceptation with each other. In this type of markets sellers knows very sanitary or so their enemys. They have a high strength to in pushing their products to the consumers. When on seller makes a change, it will directly affect other sellers. thither is a special case in oligopoly which is called duopoly. Which is when the there is only two sellers in the market. Here be some advantages and disadvantages of oligopoly.Advantages Lot of control Ability to make prices Competitive pricing More profit make Perfect knowledge of the market Price overbearing will be a disadvantage for consumers imaginative ideas may fail to realist Difficult for small firms to feed in the market Not much of contest No fair wealth dissemination Oligopoly in Maldives telecoms industry From 2005 logical became the major and the only competitor to drawing off. As usual they have initiated their business with a huge investment to make existence of their web across the Maldives.It was a huge challenge for them to set when there was a well-established and government controlled seller in the marker for well-nigh a decade, market component part was 100% controlled by monopolized draft copy. Immediately after startle the service in the market by the new comer, the unhappy customers of the monopolized industry started to change their service provider. They started with precedent promotional prices which was far much better than the open market controller, which directly affected the business of cons cription. Competition, strengths and weaknesses.When there are two or more sellers are there in a market, it is obvious that the competitor will be born in the market. It is very interesting to study to the highest degree the contender surrounded by Ordered and selective service. Luckily I have got very good connections at the top levels of twain the companies, which make me to sit and twaddleing to about their respective companies. I lay out that they are tightly in competition with each other. Pricing When gulping was alone in the industry, consumers pay nigh USED $100 just user utilise to pay well-nigh persist 2000 per month for the usage. Call rates are thrash about high.Rates differ from calls from mobile to mobile and mobile to landlines. When the competition started and if we see current situation, we have choices for individuals and businesses depends on what consumer needfully. in that location are some consumers who want more talk time than data maculatio n others doesnt care about the talk time but data leeway the service provider offers. Those used to spend around 2000 per month now are spending less than 500 per month because of competitive pricing by the competitors. Advertising Earlier days Draught keeps and total advertising.Unlike that now each and every TV gestate is occupied by twain Draught and Ordered advertizements. All the islands with more population see those companies buck boards near harbors and schools. It is very clear that Ordered is doing more aggressive advertising while Draught use more informative advertising. Corporate Social responsibleness We used to say that both the companies do embodied social tariff to a authentic extent. entirely in real, in my study I plant that rather than bodied social responsibility they both do corporate philanthropy. They do not actively participate in social activities. tho they do service of process by donation some bullion to do the social activities by others. That is a form of advertisement they both do. They are present in the activities as bill boards. Just to advertise the company name. For example Thieved league football tournament is always sponsored by one of these two companies. Competitive advantages Draught uses showtime in Maldives Largest network and so on while Ordered uses best network for smart phones. Draught is first to come and inactive holds 65% market percent while Ordered is gaining market share at a rapid speed.Bad the backbone of the company is much better with latest technologies while Draught is upgrading its backbone. Subsidized handsets to consumers Ordered started offering Samsung handset to its consumers with twitch for the very first time in Maldives. And before long they will be start offer orchard orchard apple tree tree handsets on nip, while Draught is working with apple to introduce subsidized apple handsets with digest. Apple shortly certified Ordered network for their products while Draught i s doing upgrades to obtain certification of using Apple products on engender. Is this industry good for the society?Unlike the storey of the monopoly in the telecommunication industry in the Maldives, with alert oligopoly (duopoly) consumers are happy now. As is economic theory, kind wants are unlimited with the scares resources available, people are suave aiming for mush cheaper services with better quality. As mentioned former in this report, consumers expenses, for the use of telecommunication are fall by 60 percentages. We never perceive of handset for installments by service providers before. But it is started now. We have hear about subsidized handset with contract with attack aircraft postman locked, from other parts of the world.We never imagined that a small country with a small population like us will get phones on contract with subsidized prices. But it is before long to happen. Unlike perfect competition and monopolistic competition there are no much of selle rs. So competition and pricing of the products will not be according to the subscribe and supply. Sellers will have the power to set the prices. Consumers are very happy when there is a perfect competition and monopolistic competition. Consumers are sad at most when there is a monopoly. But than they used to have, the monopoly. It is an medium good for the society.Market structure intravenous feeding basic types of market structures are 1- Perfect competition 2- Monopolistic competition 3- Oligopoly 4- Monopoly There is also other market structure called Monopoly. 1- Perfect competition It is considered more theoretical than practical, because it is very rare. In perfect object a large number of firms sell very(a) products, where none of them has pricing power. There no berries or very easy to enter to the market by any new farm. Prices. For example if we go to natural retail shops to buy vegetables, we will get at same prices from each and every shop.Fish market at Male is a very good and a guileless example, where inside the market lot of sellers will be selling same fishes. Prices will be set by the demand and supply. Neither buyer nor seller sets the price. It is more like automates pricing. Characteristics of perfect competition include large umber of small firms, identical products, perfect resource mobility and perfect knowledge. 2- Monopolistic competition It is almost like perfect competition where large number of small firms sells similar but not identical products. Relative freedom of entry, to and exit from the industry.It means buyers will have substitutes to choose from. Alternatives to buy for fulfill their needs and wants. Examples of industries structures as monopolistic competition includes, clothing industry, restaurants, and stead and so on. 3- Oligopoly It is a market situation where products are supplied by small number of firms where ACH of them has influence over pricing and supplies which directly effects the position of the co mpetitors. I oligopoly there is a special case where there is only two producers are called Duopoly. 4- Monopoly This is a market structure where only one producer in a market who has to the total control.Buyers do not have substitutes and have no choice. They have total control over supply and prices. In this market structure, seller is always happy and consumers suffer. They take more profit with a huge marginal value from the products. Characteristics of monopoly includes single seller, unique product, berries o entry and specialize information. The fifth type of market structure which is not included in basic structures is Monopoly. It is upside bug out of a monopoly where there is only one buyer. If we meet to a Mammalian context, government is the only buyer for the explosives and guns. Where there may be many sellers.Exhibit 1 Perfect Competition Monopolistic Competition Oligopoly Monopoly routine of Sellers Many Few One Barriers to Entry Very Low Low Very High grammatic al case of Substitute Products Very good Good substitutes but differentiated Very good differentiated substitutes No good substitutes Nature of competition Price only Marketing, features and price Advertising Pricing Power none Little Little to significant Significant As mentioned above, from 1988 to 2005 telecommunication industry of Maldives was a monopoly market. The following will elaborate how it was a monopoly and what was the situation during the monopoly. 988-2005 Draught monopoly in Maldives It was history that people used to call Draught as Blood Suckers. When the company started in the Maldives in Maldives there was a telecommunication service by cable and wireless which uses USB set to communicate amidst the islands. After their establishment as one and only telecoms service provider in 1988 they brought a major upgrade to their network in 1989 in Male and introduced paging service in the Maldives. They also introduced network service for the very first time in Maldive s in 1996 followed by mobile phone service in 1997 which was upgraded to GSM in 1999.Being the only company to provide the service and major share controlled by the government of the Maldives, they introduced services at a huge marginal value. Consumers have no substitution in the market, which go on Draught to grow up and cake huge profit and extended its service to nationwide, while charging terrific high charges to cover its expansion costs and qualification more profit. It is usual to charge more from the consumers in monopoly market structure. In monopoly, always seller is always happy and consumers are unhappy.Some pros and cons of monopoly are Advantages Disadvantages Large uppercase scale benefit to the company More money to invest on development Earning national exporting revenues Price discrimination between consumers Very high market share Restricts production potential Do not actively pursue new clients ugly product quality Unfair wealth distribution Entry barrier for new comers When Waiting telecoms Maldives (presently called Ordered) started their service officially in Maldives on 1st idealistic 2005 shortly after they were licensed on 1st of February 2005, the market structure changed to an oligopoly.Oligopoly In economics oligopoly means that there are few sellers of a certain product in a market. Usually these sellers are always in a high competition with each other. In this type of markets sellers knows very well about their competitors. They have a high power to in pushing their products to the consumers. When on seller makes a change, it will directly affect other sellers. There is a special case in oligopoly which is called duopoly. Which is when the there is only two sellers in the market. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of oligopoly.Advantages Lot of control Ability to assemble prices Competitive pricing More profit make Perfect knowledge of the market Price arrogant will be a disadvantage for consumers productive i deas may fail to realist Difficult for small firms to establish in the market Not much of competition No fair wealth distribution Oligopoly in Maldives telecoms industry From 2005 Ordered became the major and the only competitor to Draught. As usual they have initiated their business with a huge investment to make existence of their network across the Maldives.It was a huge challenge for them to establish when there was a well-established and government controlled seller in the marker for almost a decade, market share was 100% controlled by monopolized Draught. Immediately after starting the service in the market by the new comer, the unhappy customers of the monopolized industry started to change their service provider. They started with canonic promotional prices which was far much better than the open market controller, which directly affected the business of Draught. Competition, strengths and weaknesses.When there are two or more sellers are there in a market, it is obvious t hat the competition will be born in the market. It is very interesting to study about the competition between Ordered and Draught. Luckily I have got very good connections at the top levels of both the companies, which do me to sit and talk about their respective companies. I found that they are tightly in competition with each other. Pricing When Draught was alone in the industry, consumers pay around USED $100 come user used to pay around travel 2000 per month for the usage. Call rates are thrash high.Rates differ from calls from mobile to mobile and mobile to landlines. When the competition started and if we see current situation, we have choices for individuals and businesses depends on what consumer needs. There are some consumers who want more talk time than data while others doesnt care about the talk time but data valuation account the service provider offers. Those used to spend around 2000 per month now are spending less than 500 per month because of competitive prici ng by the competitors. Advertising Earlier days Draught keeps and average advertising.Unlike that now each and every TV path is occupied by both Draught and Ordered advertisements. All the islands with more population see those companies bill boards near harbors and schools. It is very clear that Ordered is doing more aggressive advertising while Draught use more informative advertising. Corporate Social responsibility We used to say that both the companies do corporate social responsibility to a certain extent. But in real, in my study I found that rather than corporate social responsibility they both do corporate philanthropy. They do not actively participate in social activities.But they do attention by donation some money to do the social activities by others. That is a form of advertisement they both do. They are present in the activities as bill boards. Just to advertise the company name. For example Thieved league football tournament is always sponsored by one of these two companies. Competitive advantages Draught uses first in Maldives Largest network and so on while Ordered uses best network for smart phones. Draught is first to come and still holds 65% market share while Ordered is gaining market share at a rapid speed.Bad the backbone of the company is much better with latest technologies while Draught is upgrading its backbone. Subsidized handsets to consumers Ordered started offering Samsung handset to its consumers with contract for the very first time in Maldives. And soon they will be starting offer apple handsets on contract, while Draught is working with apple to introduce subsidized apple handsets with contract. Apple shortly certified Ordered network for their products while Draught is doing upgrades to obtain certification of using Apple products on contract. Is this industry good for the society?Unlike the history of the monopoly in the telecommunication industry in the Maldives, with existing oligopoly (duopoly) consumers are happy now . As is economic theory, tender wants are unlimited with the scares resources available, people are still aiming for mush cheaper services with better quality. As mentioned former in this report, consumers expenses, for the use of telecommunication are rock-bottom by 60 percentages. We never heard of handset for installments by service providers before. But it is started now. We have heard about subsidized handset with contract with carrier locked, from other parts of the world.We never imagined that a small country with a small population like us will get phones on contract with subsidized prices. But it is soon to happen. Unlike perfect competition and monopolistic competition there are no much of sellers. So competition and pricing of the products will not be according to the demand and supply. Sellers will have the power to set the prices. Consumers are very happy when there is a perfect competition and monopolistic competition. Consumers are sad at most when there is a monop oly. But than they used to have, the monopoly. It is an average good for the society.