Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The New American essays
The New American essays The definition of what it means to be an American has changed dramatically throughout the history of our country. The founding fathers brought forth the idea of a new nation; that made sovereign the supremacy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. America has changed drastically over the last two hundred years, and the definition of what it means to be an American has changed with it as well. In class for the last several weeks, the question was raised of what it means to be an American at the end of the twentieth century. The America of the twentieth century is not as far off from what the founding fathers intended; as some people might be led to believe. We have looked at several different works and articles that have given their perspective on what it means to be an American. Although American citizens are shown in Hollywood movies such as Kids, the film does not depict what the true meaning of being an American is. Our country was founded on the principals of there being no borders between us as a nation. Whether it be a difference of race or heritage, we as a people are all Americans. Being an American means setting aside your biases or prejudices, and living side-by-side with other religions, races, and cultures in a society with the absence of a single ethnic origin. Two works that mainly caught my attention were Letters from an American Farmer, written by Hector St. Jean Crvecoeur, and The Disuniting of America, written by Arthur M. Schlesinger. Crvecoeur focuses greatly on the American as a person with the drive and ambition to distinguish themselves from the others that are around them. Crvecoeur's views show a great sense of individuality among Americans. Schlesinger's excerpt attempts to show that our country has failed to create the society that our nations founders originally wanted. A new society in which being an American does not mean you are white and your ancestors were from the or...
Friday, November 22, 2019
When Do ACT Scores Come Out ACT Score Release Schedule
When Do ACT Scores Come Out ACT Score Release Schedule SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips You've taken the ACT and are now waiting for your scores. This can be a tense time, but knowing when exactly to expect your ACT results can help you plan ahead. When do ACT scores come out exactly? In this article, find out when your test scores will become available, how to get your ACT resultsas fast as possible, and what to do once you have them. Will your ACT scores be good enough? When your scores come out, it's critical for you to understand whether your scores are good enough. The ACT score that's good enough for you is unique to you, based on your goals. Download our free guide to figuring out your ACT target score. How Long Does It Generally Take to Get ACT Scores? ACT results normally start to come out online around 10 days after your test date. Because the ACT is always taken on a Saturday, your scores will usually come out on the second Tuesday after your test date. Occasionally, ACT scores might take longer than 10 days to come out.The official ACT website offers a range of possible score release dates for each test. Generally, the earliest possible release date is 10 days after the test date, and the latest possible release date is six to seven weeks after the test date. If you took theACT with Writing, your multiple-choice scores will become available online around the same time as everyone else's; however,your essay score will typically take an additional two weeks. In other words, your complete ACT scores will come out, at earliest, a little more than three weeks after your test date. When Exactly Do ACT Scores Come Out? ACT score release dates will vary depending on your test date. We created the tables below for you to see when you can expect your ACT results to become available. 2019-20 ACT Score Release Schedule ACT, Inc. has confirmed itstesting schedule for the 2019-20 testing year. This allows us to come up with estimatesfor future score release dates: ACT Test Date Multiple-Choice Scores Release Complete Scores (w/ Essay) Release Sept 14, 2019 Sept 24, 2019 Oct 8, 2019 Oct 26, 2019 Nov 5, 2019 Nov 19, 2019 Dec 14, 2019 Dec 24, 2019 Jan 7, 2020 Feb 8, 2020 Feb 18, 2020 Mar 3, 2020 Apr 4, 2020 Apr 14, 2020 Apr 28, 2020 June 13, 2020 June 23, 2020 July 7, 2020 July 18, 2020 July 28, 2020 Aug 11, 2020 Have a feeling you'll need to take the ACT again? Download our free guide to improving your ACT score by 4 points. Note that these are the earliest possible dates for your ACT scores to come out. Many students have their scores delayed by a few days as ACT, Inc. gets all the scores together. Don't be too alarmed if your test scores are delayed by a week or so. Beyond that point, though, it might be a good idea to call ACT, Inc. and ask about the status of your test. ACT Writing scores usually come out about two weeks after your multiple-choice scores are released. ACT, Inc. does a great job of getting its scores out as early as possible instead of waiting for all students to be ready before releasing them in a batch. What Time Do ACT Scores Come Out? ACT scores are released in batches and are usually posted once a day at around 12 am Central Time (10 pm Pacific Time, 11 pm Mountain Time, and 1 am Eastern Time). If your test scores don't show up after this time on a particular day, you'll have to wait a whole day and then check if they come out the next day. This information will hopefully help with your stress and keep you from compulsively checking for ACT scores throughout the day! When Are ACT Scores Available to Schools? After taking up to a week to process your score report request, ACT, Inc. will batch up your score report with others going to the same school. Colleges receive ACT score reports at least once every two weeks, but some schools get them more frequently. UVA has stated that it gets score reports electronically at least once a day- but gets scores even more frequently closer to application deadlines. If you put down a school as one to receive one of your four free score reports, that school might even be able to see your ACT scores before you candepending on how frequently it gets scores from ACT, Inc. Itââ¬â¢s also important to note that ACT, Inc. will not send out your ACT scores until your whole test has been scored. So if youââ¬â¢ve taken the Writing section, your scores wonââ¬â¢t go out until your Writing scores, too, have been determined. Opting for a priority report(instead of a regular score report) shortens the initial processing time to two working days after your request and typically gets your ACT scores to schools three to four business days after your request has been processed. Note that ACT, Inc. cannot send out a score report until your test has been scored. Unless you've gotten your ACT scores and have a college application deadline fewer than seven weeks away (or three weeks for the ACT without Writing), ordering priority reporting isn't worth it. Note: If you took the ACT through State and District, School, or DANTES testing, your online scores will likely not become available until after you get your paper score report in the mail. How Do I Check My ACT Score? The fastest way to view your ACT scores is to go online to your ACT account. Once you log in, you'll see a list of the ACT test dates you have scores for: Next, click on "View Scores" for the test date for which you want to view your ACT scores. You'll be taken to a screen on which you have to reenter your password (for security's sake): Once you enter your password again, you'll be taken to a page with your ACT results. For a more detailed explanation on how to get your scores, check out ourstep-by-step guide. Why Does It Take So Long to Get My ACT Score? It might seem as though grading shouldn't take long since ACT tests are scored automatically. But remember that hundreds of thousands of students take the ACT on each test date.What's more, all of these things need to happen for each student taking the test: Each test is shipped to the ACT, Inc. scoring headquarters. Each test is scanned to calculate araw score. Each test receives a scaled score from 1 to 36, depending on the curve for that test. Each ACT Writing essay is evaluated by two human graders. All of this happens on a nationwide scale, so clearly ACT, Inc. has a significant logistics challenge to deal with! When all's said and done, though, ACT, Inc. strives to get test scores out as soon as possible so students like yourself can plan ahead for college. ACT Results: 2 Options for Next Steps Once you get your ACT scores back, you have a couple of options for what you can do next. Option 1: Retake the ACT If you're not happy with your scores, you might want to consider retaking the ACT. You can refresh your memory on how to sign up for the ACT with this article. Whether you retake the ACT ultimately boils down to two factors:what your target score isand how likely you are to improve your score.Your ACT target score is determined by the average ACT scores of the schools you want to get into. If your ACT scores are a lot lower than your target score is, it might be worth retaking the test. Itââ¬â¢s not enough, however, to look at your ACT results and say, "Well, I didnââ¬â¢t do as well as I wanted, so Iââ¬â¢d better take it again." As we discuss in our article on ACT score decreases, thereââ¬â¢s about a 50-50 chance that if you retake the ACT, youââ¬â¢ll score the same or lower than you did before.And the odds of a score decrease are even higher if you donââ¬â¢t put in much studying time. To improve your composite ACT score by 1 to 4points, youââ¬â¢ll need to put in around40hours of smart prep. Increasing your score by more than this requires even more time and energy. This doesnââ¬â¢t mean just brute-forcing it by doing as many practice tests and quizzes as you can get your hands on; instead, you'll want to use a system that focuses mainly on your weaknesses and helps you improve them. Keep in mind, too, that if you're applying to a school that requires all ACT scores be sent, you'll likely have to send this test's score as well unless you delete it from your record. The bottom line: if you're able to put in the time and energy to improve your score, then it's worth retaking the ACT. Otherwise, it's just a waste of money and a Saturday morning! Option 2: Send Your ACT Scores to Colleges If you're completely satisfied with how you did on the exam, then your next step is to send your scores to all the colleges you're applying to. We've also got a complete list of school and college codesyou can use to send your ACT scores. What's Next? Know you want to retake the ACT but not sure when to do it? Check out all upcoming ACT test datesto find out when you can take the test next. For tips on the best time for you, read our article on the best ACT test dates. What ACT score do you need to get into college?Get the answer to this question by reading our guides towhat the average ACT score for college isand the minimum score you'll need to get in. When's the last date you can take the ACT and still have your scores get to schools in time? Find out with these articles about the last ACT dates forearly admissions deadlines and regular admissions deadlines. Also, check out our free guide on the 5 most important strategies you need to know to improve your ACT score by 4+ points.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Lake Wabarmun, Alberta Oil Spill 2005 Research Paper
Lake Wabarmun, Alberta Oil Spill 2005 - Research Paper Example The plant in some sources is said to be responsible for the existence of health standards made possible by the use of pesticides. Another source stated that 10% of Indiaââ¬â¢s crop were saved by the use of the pesticides made in Bhopal. MIC is very toxic and only noticed when signs of toxicity appear such as watering of the eyes and nasal passages. It is the most toxic chemical belonging to the isocyanate family and at room temperature it is a colorless liquid (Varma, Roli, and Daya Varma, 2005). On December 2 a very small amount of water went through the pipes into MIC tank 610. The reaction generated heat which transformed the MIC liquid into a gas. Pressure in the tank increased; this ruptured the disc and the MIC vent began to discharge into the atmosphere. In Bhopal at the time MIC was stored in three tanks and tank 610 was 87% full, above the 60% recommendation for the Bhopal plant and 50% which was recommended for the Connecticut plant. Safety devices which were in place fo r such an emergency failed or were inadequate. There was no public warning system in place though a warning signal was activated at 2:30 am,2 hours after the leak was detected. It is estimated the MIC leak lasted from 45-60 minutes in duration. When the siren actually went into effect people had already began noticing the effects of the leak. Most of this was at first ignored as minor leaks were common. Police were unaware of what had actually happened and advised citizens to run which in turn exposed them to higher levels of inhaled MCI. On the morning of December 3 and subsequent days citizens were running to the hospital and deaths were attributed the first four days especially to pulmonary edema. Only house flies were unaffected by the MCI; presumably because they lie still at low levels. The effect of the MCI was a chemically induced SARââ¬â¢s with little if any treatment options. It is estimated that 30,000 people were killed by the MCI and 500,000 more injured. The gas lea k has had far reaching consequences 25 years later and environmentalist have stated that the site still contains large amounts of chemicals which are toxic which they collected from soil samples at the site (Iyengar, Radhika, And Monisha Bajaj, 2011). Identified as one of the worst chemical disasters in history yet new attention was spurred by the Environmental Protection Agency Office of Toxic Substances to the dangers of chemicals which are stored as opposed to those on the environment. Water quality was questionable before the incident and during the period of time immediately following large tanks were filled from other parts of the city to supply residents with drinking water. There were over 500,000 registered victims of the Bhopal incident in 1984. Survivors continue to experience long term effects of the exposure; studies show cases of pulmonary fibrosis, asthma, COPD, emphysema, chest infections and other related conditions as lingering effects of the disaster (Kewal K. Mau dar, et al, 2009). Studies were carried out on 80,000 individuals. Rapid industrial growth in India today contributes to the economy but it comes with a price of environmental degradation and increased health risks to the public. Water quality is Bhopal today is under threat of pollution and in May of 2012 the factory was ordered to clean up
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Media, Democracy and the Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Media, Democracy and the Internet - Essay Example Here the power to rule is vested in the people, which is exercised through elected agents. Abraham Lincoln, calls democracy as a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." Media also shares a similar role in a democratic state. If democracy gives the power, media helps to strengthen it through unrestricted dissemination of information. It gives 'information, knowledge, forums of communication and debate necessary to govern their own lives effectively.'(McChesney 2000) Thus media emerges a true watch dog, constantly monitoring the democratic system for its flaws and giving the necessary feedbacks to 'people in power and people who want to be in power.' (McChesney 2000) Media can fulfill these tasks only it served the democratic system and the people who hold its key with unbiased and uncensored information accessible for every one. Only then it can build a 'self governing society of political equals' (McChesney 2000) strengthening the pillars of democracy and there by building its own credibility. Mass media has been regarded as the champion of public cause and history is replete with examples how it has fought along with the people in changing the public policy in both democratic and authoritarian regimes. With the emergence of the global media, the surveillancei function of the mass media has become more intensive and the watch dog was given a new responsibility to watch the whole world for the possible violations of democratic ideals and human rights. It started with a total support for Corazon Aquino's campaigns in the late seventies in Philippines and still going strong with reports to garner public support against Iran's dubious nuclear programme. Although the global television has changed the perspective of the mass media taking it from the 'locale' to 'global', media still focuses the domestic front, influencing the public policies through agenda setting. Here the media has further responsibilities like providing the citizen the means to understand the substance of policies at any particular time. Secondly they should perform an amplifying function by giving publicity to the actions and views of important individuals. Thirdly they should provide the common fund of information necessary for the formation of public opinion and the conduct of the political process. Further the mass media should attempt to provide standards by which political actions can be judged, the common frame of reference which must unite rulers and the ruled in a democratic political structure. The media therefore could help considerably in public participation in national and regional policies. Internet as a form of political protest The internet pioneered the ICT and spearheaded a revolution just like the invention of the printing press. If printing empowered people with knowledge, the internet gave them digital liberation. 'In the information age, the critical organizational form is networking. The most critical distinction in this organizational logic is to be or not to be -- in the network. Be in the network, and you can share and, over time, increase your chances. Be out of the network, or become switched off, and your chances vanish since everything that counts is organized around a world wide web of interacting networks.' (Manuel Castells 1998) The freedom to interact directly and instantaneously, end to copyright
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Technical features of the sonnet form Essay Example for Free
Technical features of the sonnet form Essay There are a number of technical features of the sonnet form; first of all, all sonnets are fourteen lines long. There are ten syllables in each line, and most of the time they are in the form of iambic pentameter (limping five rhythm), this means that there are five stressed syllables at the start and then five unstressed syllables, this is repeated 5 times. However, Sir Phillip Sydneys sonnet Loving in truth has twelve syllables in each line, so that sonnet is an exception to this rule. All of the sonnets rhyme, there are two rhyme schemes, the Shakespearean and Petrarchan sonnet forms. The Shakespearean sonnet form consists of three quatrains and a rhyming couplet at the end of the sonnet. Usually, the rhyming couplet in Shakespearean sonnets summarises the whole poem. The Petrarchan form consists of an octave, and then a sestet. Another thing is that there is a lot of imagery in sonnets. The main types of imagery are similes, metaphors and personification. An example of a simile is in Percy Shelleys sonnet, To Wordsworth, when he says thou wert as a lone star. Also there are many examples of metaphors, such as in Shakespeares My mistress eyes, Shakespeare says black wires grow on her head. This means that he is comparing black wires to actual hair. There are also a lot of examples of personification in sonnets, for example Wordsworth says the very houses seem asleep; he said this in his sonnet which is called Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802. There are quite a few common themes in sonnets that poets write about quite often. An example of a theme is love and courtship. There are a lot of sonnets that deal with this subject, such as Shakespeares sonnet called When my love swears that she is made of truth. In this sonnet, Shakespeare talks about his love telling lies to him just to make him feel good. He even says I do believe her, though I know she lies. This shows that Shakespeare is telling us all about courtship, another thing is that he refers to her speech as a false-speaking tongue. All of this explains about courtship in Shakespeares sonnet, and almost at the end of the sonnet he states that loves best habit is seeming trust. Edmund Spencers sonnet 54, Of this worlds theatre in which we stay, is also about love. He compares love to going to the theatre, for example he says my love like the spectator ydly sits. Another thing is that he contrasts his love with comedies and tragedies in the theatre: But when I laugh she mocks, and when I cry She laughs and hardens evermore her heart. This makes it clear that this sonnet is also about love, and going to the theatre is a metaphor for his love. Another sonnet that falls into the category of love and courtship is Sir Philip Sydneys Loving in truth and in fain in verse my love to show. In this sonnet, he talks about winning the heart of someone he loves by writing a poem. By writing the poem he intends her to feel pity, and then he states that pity grace obtain. In another words, his love will feel sorry for him and feel sympathy for him. All of this illustrates that love and courtship is a common theme for sonnets. Another common theme is about poetry. The sonnet Loving in truth and fain in verse my love to show by Sir Phillip Sidney is more about poetry than love. He talks about writing a poem for his love to read, he says pleasure might cause her to read which emphasizes the power of poetry. He also points out that he needs a poem that will entertain her wits. Even in the last line, he makes reference to poetry by saying Fool, said my Muse to me, look in thy heart and write. What he meant by this is that the best poems are written by listening to your heart. However, it is ironic that Sir Phillip Sidney must have done a lot of research into writing this poem, and not by listening to his heart. Another sonnet about poetry is Shakespeares My mistress eyes. In this sonnet, Shakespeare criticises the exaggeration of other poems. He compares his mistress to coral, saying that her eyes are nowhere near as red as coral, which makes fun of the other poems. He states that when compared to perfume, his mistress breath wreaks. Right at the end of the sonnet, at the rhyming couplet he makes it clear that he isnt criticizing his mistress, but that falsely comparing his love and exaggerating isnt necessary: And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any she belied with false compare. Another example of poetry as a theme for a sonnet is in Shakespeares sonnet Not marble nor the gilded monuments. In this sonnet he talks about the power of this particular sonnet that he was writing by saying that nothing shall outlive this powerful rime. He mentions that the memory of his love will always be around thanks to the poem he wrote, even after they die, her memory will still be here in the poem, this conveys the power of this particular poem. He says gainst death and all-oblivious enmity shall you pace forth. In the end he illustrates that his loves will live in this, and dwell in lovers eyes. Finally, time, death and loss are part of another theme that is common in sonnets. All these three themes are linked together. First of all, John Donnes sonnet Death be not proud is about death. He personifies death and directs his sonnet to death itself by saying Death be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so. In this sonnet, John Donne illustrates that there is nothing to fear about death. He states that death is a slave to fate, chance, kings and desperate men. Even at the end, he stresses that death shall be no more and that death will die itself, this means that death is only really sending people to heaven and that eternal life shall overcome death. The next sonnet about this theme is Shakespeares No longer mourn for me when I am dead. In this sonnet he leaves a message for his love, not to feel bad when he will die. He says remember not the hand that writ it, for I love you so which means that this sonnet is also about time because he talks about his love forgetting about him after an amount of time. Also he thinks of the future, when he will be dead, which also shows that this sonnet is about time and he loss of him. Another sonnet about death and time is John Keats When I have fears that I may cease to be. At the start of the sonnet, John Keats shows that he is scared of death because he wont be able to write poems again, and that he might not live long enough to write a truly great poem. He also is worried that he wont see his lover again because he says that he shall never look upon thee more. At the end he mentions to nothingness do sink which means that he is probably near to death. Overall, he common themes that are used in sonnets are love and courtship, the power of poetry and death.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Yellow Wallpaper -- Literary Analysis, Gilman
It is very popular in American Literature that most authors explore how characters shape the society in which we live. Society consists of people who help create the social order and social norms, and those who rebel against the social order. The insiders of society are the people who practice the values of the society and try to live up to cultural standards of that society. In American Literature the outcast of society is shunned by the rest of society for their inability to live up to the moral, social, economic, or cultural standards of society. I am going to explore three different literary works of American literature and explain how one of the characters in each literature is rejected by society, or portrayed as a social outcast because of the inability to live up to either the social, economic, or cultural standards of society. In Charlotte Perkins Gilmanââ¬â¢s short story, ââ¬Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,â⬠the main character is also the narrator of the story, and her name is unknown. The story is written in diary format and the narrator is giving personal accounts about her experience battling depression, her marriage to her ââ¬Å"rationalâ⬠husband John who is also her physician, and her inability to express herself. The narrator is very imaginative and being confined to a large room with the yellow wall paper causes her to battle with reality. She is portrayed a social outcast in the story because her illness does not allow her to perform the social duties that women are portrayed to perform in society, such as raising her child, and assisting in household chores. Gilman also portrays the narrator as an outcast through imagery. She writes the story in diary format so that the story is told from the narratorââ¬â¢s point of view, and the only... ...s one who is very ambitious and will try to reach for the American Dream at all cost. Gatsbyââ¬â¢s social status interferes with his affairs with Daisy and why they could not be together in the past. The character in each literary works inability to live up to the social, economical, cultural, and moral standards of society has made them an outsider, and each story ended with a negative outcome of the characterââ¬â¢s life. In ââ¬Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,â⬠the narratorââ¬â¢s inability to fit into society causes her hysteria to only worsen. Daisy Miller suspecting of committing unethical behavior Giovanelli causes her to catch Roman Fever, which leads to her death. Gatsby inability to live up to the social status of one born with wealth destroys his possibilities of obtaining the American Dream, and his character is murdered. These lives shape the evolution of society.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Early Man
The base of all human accomplishment derives from the Paleolithic era. These beginnings of mankind could be considered our most important. The first tools were developed, stone tools used to shape wood, dig for food, or weaponry. The progression in tools shows the growth in thinking, first using objects for tools then creating tools to fit a certain need such as sharpening stone for cutting. Tools were used to fashion weapons like a bow and arrow. Man learned how to make fire with friction for heat and cooking food (Baldwin).Art provides an insight into life for early man, their location and migration, and the animals they hunted or domesticated. Paintings, statues, and carvings show ingenuity and awareness to the surrounding world. Languages developed with migration allowing communication. Human behaviors were established on religious ideas and formal conduct. An idea of the afterlife was present, burying the dead with prized possessions. These slow developments foreshadowed the adv ance to come. With the end of the ice age, changes in available game and a warmer climate encouraged a new idea on how to live.Fostering the agricultural developments already learned the hunter/gatherer way of life was no longer necessary. With dogs already domesticated, new animals became useful ââ¬â farms owned pigs, sheep, goats, and cattle. These animals were vital several ways, providing meat, milk, or labor. As well as food, they could also be used for leather and furs. Working the land aggressively enough to live off was difficult and required many hands. Families began to grow. Women were able to produce more offspring with a more permanent settlement.The children were raised with strong work ethics, expected to be useful cultivating what might one day be theirs. The society became largely patriarchal since men harvested the land and women spent most of their time caring for children. The population growth was immense, multiplying tenfold. The need for access to water cr eated small communities resulting in culture and society changes. Houses were built, some more extravagant than others depending on profits generated from the farm. Social statuses were developed.Art, in all forms ââ¬â painting, sculpture, embellishment in clothing and accessories ââ¬â were encouraged. Some farms produced excess and gained the ability to trade for items they could not themselves produce. This surplus of food allowed people to learn other trades. A weekly system was prevalent in almost all societies, based on market days, seasonal harvest, or religion. Language began to meld together making communication with a broader range of communities. This culture is the first to spread worldwide (Baldwin). With technological progress, recovering artifacts and what we can learn from them advances daily.Weather and climate changes can unearth new artifacts and expand knowledge of prehistoric life. The ability to accurately pinpoint the age of an artifact, and historians interpretation of an object could give us insight into many aspects of prehistoric life. ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s very important, telling us something about species close to us but not quite ââ¬Ëusââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Cornoe). (Baldwin) http://socsci. gulfcoast. edu/rbaldwin/early_man. htm (Cornoe) http://www. smh. com. au/national/scientists-stumped-by-prehistoric-human-whose-face-doesnt-fit-20120314-1v3m0. html
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Compare Essays Baldwin & Emerson
The focal point of this paper is to compare and contrast the essays, James Baldwinsââ¬â¢ In Search of a Majority: An Address and Ralph Waldo Emersonââ¬â¢s Race. Both the writers investigate into the aspects of race and communities and reveal their faith in accordance to their argument. James Baldwin states that to understand and evaluate the aspects of racial differences it is important to understand the true nature of minorities and majorities in a given state or nation.He believes that once the majorities of a country or region is identified it would be logical to understand the reason behind the social strata of the majority. In other words, James Baldwin indicates, according to his thesis or discussion, that ââ¬Å"the only useful definition of the word ââ¬Å"majorityâ⬠does not refer to numbers, and it does not refer to power. It refers to influence. â⬠(Baldwins, 2006) On the other hand, Emerson believes that race is the fundamental influence and ingredient of success. For his argument, he has constructed his text and taken the English as a model of most influential race.According to his belief the English people are the most dominant and influential race and to prove that he states, ââ¬Å"How came such men as King Alfred, and Roger Bacon, William of Wykeham, Walter Raleigh, Philip Sidney, Isaac Newton, William Shakspeare, George Chapman, Francis Bacon, George Herbert, Henry Vane, to exist here? What made these delicate natures? was it the air? was it the sea? was it the parentage? â⬠. (Emerson, 2006) Thus, Emerson tries to prove that race is the inbuilt and fundamental aspect of success.Thus, both these essays can well be related to each other in the sense that both the writers are trying to find out the fundaments of racism and the dominant features of a social stratum. However, both the writers are looking at the same elements of sociological confluence but from the opposite directions. While, Baldwin feels that the most powerful group of people are those who are the most influential in a given society Emerson feels that the most influential human group in a given society are the one who are the most racially powerful and distinct.Emersonââ¬â¢s claims of dominance of the Englishman starts with their ancestral background of the Germanic origins during the roman era and whom the Romans too found very difficult to handle and impossible to dominate. Then he imposes historical data like the details of the British Empire and the demographic supremacy of the empire at its zenith. To prove his point he indicates, ââ¬Å"It is race, is it not? that puts the hundred millions of India under the dominion of a remote island in the north of Europe.â⬠(Emerson, 2006) On the other hand, Baldwin looks into the matter of arguments in a more contemporary sense. He indicates that there is only a sense of paranoia in the context of xenophobia in modern US. He indicates that, as the population of the Negro community is l ess influential in US society it is obvious that ââ¬Å"It is only too clear that even with the most malevolent will in the world Negroes can never manage to achieve one-tenth of the harm which we fear. â⬠(Baldwins, 2006)If the two arguments are compared in this context we would find that Baldwinââ¬â¢s arguments are induced by a sense of humane appeal and he suggests that all human races have the chance to be powerful and influential at a given condition and thus he suggests that every human race has a fair chance to dominate at a given point of time and at a given point of space. On the other hand, Emersonââ¬â¢s arguments are more fundamentalist in nature and at times it appears that his only intention of writing is to prove English superiority as a race.He tends to forget the entire human history and just focus on the last two hundred years where the English dominated most of the world population. Nevertheless, such conditions came and went for most of the races of the world. There were the Egyptians and Mesopotamians. The Greeks and the Persians were at a high. The Romans, Huns, Mongols and French all had their days in the sun. So, what makes the English better than the rest?The author fails to answer this and chooses to keep these questions out of his text. However, if we take the two arguments together we would find an interesting observation that we could not by approaching them each individually. If that is done we would find that there are some specific notions of success for a race and if the situation and surroundings are in complete alignment with each other there are possibilities that any race can become the dominant race of the world, at least for a period.This is the fundamental revelation of these two arguments that has not been mentioned once in these texts. References: Baldwins, James; (2006); In Search of a Majority: An Address Emerson, Ralph Waldo; (2006); Race; The Complete Works Of Ralph Waldo Emerson; www. davemckay. co. uk; Retrieved on 07. 04. 2008 from http://www. davemckay. co. uk/philosophy/emerson/emerson. php? name=emerson. 05. english. 04
Thursday, November 7, 2019
What Is the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
What Is the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you are checking out this article, you have probably heard of this thing called IB or International Baccalaureate. You may have heard that it is something like AP. You might have read our article on What's Better for You: IB or AP? College Expert Guide. I am actually a recipient of an IB Diploma from Suncoast Community High School in Riviera Beach, Florida. I know the program from the inside, so in this article, I'll give you a factual overview of IB as well as my opinions. What Is IB? What Is the International Baccalaureate Program? The International Baccalaureate (IB) program was designed in Switzerland in the 1960s.The program was designed to be a rigorous, internationally recognized diploma for entry into universities that students all around the world could earn.You can read more about the history and philosophy of the IB program over at their website. An IB diploma is a credential issued to students by the IBO and recognized by most colleges and universities (I will go into more detail on this below). Not all students who pursue an IB diploma will receive one. To earn an IB diploma, you have to go to an IB-approved school and meet the requirements, including taking classes in the six subject groups, passing their exams, and completing three additional core requirements.All of which I'll cover more in-depth in our other article on IB Diploma Requirements. If you donââ¬â¢t want to pursue the diploma, some schools allow you to take a few IB classes without doing the full-blown diploma program, though each high school sets its own policy on this.My school did NOT allow anyone who was not a diploma candidate to take IB classes.Find out the school policy before you decide to attend. Find a school in your hometown in our complete list of IB Schools in the US; email the IB coordinator to ask their policy. Where Can You Take IB Classes? Where Can You Get an IB Diploma? You can take IB classes and get your IB diploma at many local schools.There are 873 IB Diploma Program Schools in the US, and there are 4,162 schools in the world offering IB programs, though not all of these offer the Diploma Program (there are programs just for elementary and middle school students as well as a career program). To find out if there is a school near you check out our other article on IB Schools in the US.You can also take certain IB classes online at Pamoja Education.However, you cannot get your IB diploma online because Pamoja Education does not offer Group 1 nor Group 4 classes online.For a full list of online classes, check out our other article on Which IB Courses Can I Take Online? Can I Get an Online IB Diploma? Will IB be useful in college? Can You Get College Credit for IB Classes or an IB Diploma? Yes! Each school may have slightly different qualifications for getting credit for IB classes, but most college classes give you credit for IB HL classes with an exam score of 5 or higher.Some colleges even wave your general education requirements for those students with an IB Diploma.Others like University of Southern California (my alma mater) give you a full yearââ¬â¢s worth of credit to those with an IB Diploma. Look up colleges' individual IB college credit policy by googling ââ¬Å"[Name of College/University] IB credit policy.â⬠Most universities have a dedicated web page for explaining their IB credit policy. What Is the Difference Between IB and AP? While AP exams are typically all or mostly multiple-choice, IB exams are mostly written, essay-based.IB classes tend to have a wider worldview: making you read a lot of foreign books, learn foreign history, and learn a foreign language. AP classes typically focus heavily on the test material. IB is a more well-rounded education in my opinion because you are required to submit a written component (typically a report or essay) that will count towards your ultimate IB score in addition to the IB exam at the end of the course. For example, for science classes, you are required to complete extensive lab reports. Another example, for history, you are required to do an extensive report on a specific subject that aligns with the history you are learning about, and you get to choose the topic you write about.I learned about European history, and my report focused on Allied Prisoners of War in Europe in WWII. IB is far less popular than AP in the United States.2.3 million took AP exams in 2014, about 1 million of those students are in the US, while only about 135,000 students took IB exams in 2014, and about 73,000 of those students are in the US, the rest are international.67,524 were diploma candidates ââ¬â students completing the full IB program in hopes of earning an IB diploma. IB is more expensive than AP classes.For IB, there is a $160 registration fee plus a $110 fee per exam. While this is a lot of money, it is much less than the tuition you would pay for the same intro-level college course. Many schools also have their own financial aid programs for IB.Some schools cover the cost of IB registration and exam fees.My public school (Suncoast Community High School) covered all of the costs for IB registration and exam fees as well as AP exam fees for all students as long as they were enrolled in the corresponding class, so I never paid for any testing.Ask your local IB school what their policy is by emailing the IB coordinator(you can find their contact information throughour other article IB Schools).Read more aboutfees from the IBO. AP exams only cost $91 each without a registration fee, so they are cheaper, but both are still much less expensive than the cost of a college course.Also, AP does not currently offer a diploma program. Why Should You Take IB Classes or Pursue an IB Diploma? On top of the opportunity for college credit, I truly think the IB program is the best preparation for college (even better than the community college classes I took using a dual-enrollment program).IB prepares students to think globally and to write about a variety of topics.I really believe in the IB program. It provides students with more creative opportunities than AP classes.Students are allowed to choose topics for their reports and are not typically assigned one specific topic. For example,I am very passionate about film and theatre.I got to explore that passion through my extended essay as I mentioned before, and I also got to explore it in my oral presentation for my Spanish B class in which I talked about Pedro Almodovar and Spanish Cinema. Also, I am very interested in my family history.As I mentioned in my history class, I wrote a report on Allied Prisoners of War in Europe in WWII. My own grandfather was a prisoner of war. I got to track down details of his experiences and include it in my report. IB is a fantastic program for gifted students who love to read and learn about the world.IB allows students to pursue their interests and find their passions. Whatââ¬â¢s Next? Trying to figure out what extracurricular you should do? Learn more about participating in Science Olympiad, starting a club, doing volunteer work, andjoining Student Government. Studying for the SAT? Check out our complete guide to the SAT.Taking the SAT in the next month? Check out our guide to cramming. Not sure where you want to go to college? Check out our guide to finding your target school.Also, figure out your target SAT score or target ACT score. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Charlotte Brontë, 19th Century Novelist
Charlotte Brontà «, 19th Century Novelist Best-known as the author of Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontà « was a 19th century writer, poet, and novelist. She was also one of the three Brontà « sisters, along with Emily and Anne, famous for their literary talents.à Dates:à April 21, 1816 -à March 31, 1855Also known as: Charlotte Nicholls; pen name Currer Bell Early Lifeà Charlotte was the third of six siblings born in six years to the Rev. Patrick Brontà « and his wife, Maria Branwell Brontà «. Charlotte was born at the parsonage in Thornton, Yorkshire, where her father was serving. All six children were born before the family moved in April 1820 toà the 5-room parsonage at Haworth on the moors of Yorkshire that they would call home for most of their lives. Her father had been appointed as perpetual curate there, meaning that he and his family could live in the parsonage as long as he continued his work there. The father encouraged the children to spend time in nature on the moors. Maria died the year after the youngest, Anne, was born, possibly of uterine cancer or of chronic pelvic sepsis. Mariaââ¬â¢s older sister, Elizabeth, moved from Cornwall to help care for the children and for the parsonage. She had an income of her own. The Clergymenââ¬â¢s Daughterââ¬â¢s School In September of 1824, the four older sisters, including Charlotte, were sent to the Clergy Daughtersââ¬â¢ School at Cowan Bridge, a school for the daughters of impoverished clergy. The daughter of writer Hannah Moore was also in attendance. The harsh conditions of the school were later reflected in Charlotte Brontà «s novel,à Jane Eyre. A typhoid fever outbreak at the school led to several deaths.à The next February, Maria was sent home very ill, and she died in May, probably of pulmonary tuberculosis. Elizabeth was sent home late in May, also ill. Patrick Brontà « brought his other daughters home as well, and Elizabeth died on June 15. Maria, the eldest daughter, had served as a mother figure for her younger siblings; Charlotte decided she needed to fulfill a similar role as the eldest surviving daughter. Imaginary Lands When her brother Patrick was given some wooden soldiers as a gift in 1826, the siblings began to make up stories about the world that the soldiers lived in. They wrote the stories in tiny script, in books small enough for the soldiers, and also provided newspapers and poetry for the world they apparently first called Glasstown.à Charlotteââ¬â¢s first known story was written in March of 1829; she and Branwell wrote most of the initial stories. In January of 1831, Charlotte was sent to school at Roe Head, about fifteen miles from home. There she made friends of Ellen Nussey and Mary Taylor, who were to be part of her life later as well.à Charlotte excelled in school, including at French. In eighteen months, Charlotte returned home, and resumed the Glasstown saga. Meanwhile Charlottes younger sisters, Emilyà and Anne, had created their own land, Gondal, and Branwell had created a rebellion. Charlotte negotiated a truce and cooperation among the siblings. She began the Angrian stories. Charlotte also created paintings and drawings ââ¬â 180 of them survive.à Branwell, her younger brother, got familial support for developing his painting skills towards a possible career; such support was not available to the sisters. Teaching In July of 1835 Charlotte had an opportunity to become a teacher at Roe Head school. They offered her a tuition-free admission for one sister as payment for her services. She took Emily, two years younger than Charlotte, with her, but Emily soon became ill, an illness attributed to homesickness.à Emily returned to Haworth and the youngest sister, Anne, took her place. In 1836, Charlotte sent some of the poems she had written to Englandââ¬â¢s poet laureate. He discouraged her pursuit of a career, suggesting that because she was a woman, she pursue her ââ¬Å"real dutiesâ⬠as a wife and mother.à Charlotte, nevertheless, continued writing poems and novellas. The school moved in 1838, and Charlotte left that position in December, returning home and later calling herself ââ¬Å"shattered.â⬠She had continued to return to the imaginary world of Angria on holidays from school, and continued writing in that world after she moved back to the family home. Shattered In May of 1839 Charlotte briefly became a governess. She hated the role, especially the sense she had of having ââ¬Å"no existenceâ⬠as a family servant. She left in mid-June. A new curate, William Weightman, arrived in August of 1839 to assist the Rev. Brontà «. A new and young clergyman, he seems to have attracted flirting from both Charlotte and Anne, and perhaps more attraction from Anne. Charlotte received two different proposals in 1839.à One was from Henry Nussey the brother of her friend, Ellen, with whom sheââ¬â¢d continued to correspond. The other was from an Irish minister. Charlotte turned them both down. Charlotte took another governess position in March of 1841; this one lasted until December. She returned home thinking sheââ¬â¢d start a school. Her aunt Elizabeth Branwell promised financial support. Brussels In February of 1842 Charlotte and Emily went to London and then Brussels.à They attended a school in Brussels for six months, then Charlotte and Emily were both asked to stay on, serving as teachers to pay for their tuition. Charlotte taught English and Emily taught music. In September, they learned that the young Rev. Weightman had died. But they had to return home in October for a funeral, when their aunt Elizabeth Branwell died.à The four Brontà « siblings received shares of their auntââ¬â¢s estate, and Emily worked as a housekeeper for her father, serving in the role their aunt had taken.à Anne returned to a governess position, and Branwell followed Anne to serve with the same family as a tutor.à Charlotte returned to Brussels to teach. She felt isolated there, and perhaps fell in love with the master of the school, though her affections and interest were not returned.à She returned home at the end of a year, though she continued to write letters to the schoolmaster from England. Charlotte moved back to Haworth, and Anne, returning from her governess position, did the same. Their father needed more help in his work, as his vision was failing.à Branwell had also returned, in disgrace, and declined in health as he increasingly turned to alcohol and opium. Writing for Publication In 1845, a quite significant event that started small happened: Charlotte found Emilyââ¬â¢s poetry notebooks.à She got excited at their quality, and Charlotte, Emily and Anne discovered each othersââ¬â¢ poems. The three selected poems from their collections for publication, choosing to do so under male pseudonyms. The false names would share their initials: Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell. They assumed that male writers would find easier publication. The poems were published as Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell in May of 1846 with the help of the inheritance from their aunt.à They did not tell their father or brother of their project.à The book only initially sold two copies, but got positive reviews, which encouraged Charlotte. The sisters began preparing novels for publication. Charlotte wrote the Professor, perhaps imagining a better relationship with her friend, the Brussels schoolmaster.à Emily wrote à Wuthering Heights, adapted from the Gondal stories.à Anne wrote Agnes Grey, rooted in her experiences as a governess. The next year, July 1847, the stories by Emily and Anne, but not Charlotteââ¬â¢s, were accepted for publication, still under the Bell pseudonyms.à They were not actually published immediately, however. Jane Eyre Charlotte wrote Jane Eyre and offered that to the publisher, ostensibly an autobiography edited by Currer Bell.à The book became a quick hit.à Some surmised from the writing that Currer Bell was a woman, and there was much speculation about who the author might be.à Some critics condemned the relationship between Jane and Rochester as ââ¬Å"improper.â⬠The book, with some revisions, entered a second edition in January 1848, and a third in April of that same year. Clarification of Authorship After Jane Eyre had proven a success, Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey also were published.à A publisher began advertising the three as a package, suggesting that the three ââ¬Å"brothersâ⬠were really a single author.à By that time Anne had also written and published The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Charlotte and Emily went to London to claim authorship by the sisters, and their identities were made public. Tragedy Charlotte had begun a new novel, when her brother Branwell, died in April of 1848, probably of tuberculosis.à Some have speculated that the conditions at the parsonage were not so healthy, including a poor water supply and chilly, foggy weather. Emily caught what seemed to be a cold at his funeral, and became ill. She declined quickly, refusing medical care until relenting in her last hours.à She died in December.à Then Anne began to show symptoms, though she, after Emilyââ¬â¢s experience, did seek medical help.à Charlotte and her friend Ellen Nussey took Anne to Scarborough for a better environment, but Anne died there in May of 1849, less than a month after arriving.à Branwell and Emily were buried in the parsonage graveyard, and Anne in Scarborough. Returning to Living Charlotte, now the last of the siblings to survive, and still living with her father, completed her new novel, Shirley: A Tale, in August, and it was published in October 1849.à In November Charlotte went to London, where she met such figures as William Makepeace Thackeray and Harriet Martineau. She traveled, staying with various friends.à In 1850 she met Elizabeth Glaskell. She began corresponding with many of her new acquaintances and friends.à She also refused another offer of marriage. She republished Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey in December 1850, with a biographical note clarifying who her sisters, the authors, really were. The characterization of her sisters as the impractical but caring Emily and the self-denying, reclusive, not so original Anne, tended to persist once those impressions became public.à Charlotte heavily edited her sistersââ¬â¢ work, even while claiming to be advocating truthfulness about them.à She suppressed the publication of Anneââ¬â¢s Tenant of Wildfell Hall, with its portrayal of alcoholism and a womanââ¬â¢s independence. Charlotte wrote Villette, publishing it in January of 1853, and split with Harriet Martineau over it, as Martineau disapproved of it. New Relationship Arthur Bell Nicholls was the Rev. Brontà «Ã¢â¬â¢s curate, of Irish background like Charlotteââ¬â¢s father was.à He surprised Charlotte with a proposal of marriage.à Charlotteââ¬â¢s father disapproved of the proposal, and Nicholls left his post.à Charlotte turned down his proposal initially, then began secretly corresponding with Nicholls.à They became engaged and he returned to Haworth.à They were married on June 29, 1854, and honeymooned in Ireland. Charlotte continued her writing, beginning a new novel Emma. She also took care of her father at Haworth. She became pregnant the year after her marriage, then found herself extremely ill. She died on March 31, 1855. Her condition was at the time diagnosed as tuberculosis, but some have, much later, speculated that the description of symptom more likely fits the condition hyperemesis gravidarum, essentially an extreme morning sickness with dangerously excessive vomiting. Legacy In 1857, Elizabeth Gaskell published The Life of Charlotte Brontà «, establishing the reputation of Charlotte Brontà « as having suffered from a tragic life.à In 1860, Thackeray published the unfinished Emma.à à Her husband helped revise The Professor for publication with the encouragement of Gaskell. By the end of the 19th century, Charlotte Brontà «Ã¢â¬â¢s work was largely out of fashion. Interest revived in the late 20th century.à Jane Eyre has been her most popular work, and has been adapted for stage, film and television and even for ballet and opera. Two stories, The Secret and Lily Hart, were not published until 1978. Family Tree Mother: Maria Branwell (April 15, 1783 ââ¬â September 15, 1821); born in Cornwall. Mother: Anne Crane, whose father was a silversmith. Father: Thomas Branwell, prosperous merchant in Penzance. Maria became a teacher when her parents died.Father: Patrick Brontà « (March 17, 1777 ââ¬â June 7, 1861); born in Ireland; ordained August 10, 1806; poor à Anglicanà clergyman. Studied at St. Johnââ¬â¢s College, Cambridge, where he changed the spelling of his last name from Brunty. Published poet. Parents: Eleanor McCrory and Hugh Brunty.à (Surname originally mac Aedh Ãâ Proinntigh)Maria Branwell and Patrick Brontà « married December 29, 1812.à Siblings:Maria Brontà « April 23, 1814 ââ¬â May 6, 1825Elizabeth Brontà « 1815 ââ¬â June 15, 1825Patrick Branwell Brontà « June 26, 1817 ââ¬â September 24, 1848 ââ¬â usually called Branwell to distinguish him from his father, also PatrickEmily Jane Brontà «Ã July 30, 1818 ââ¬â December 19, 1848Anne Bront à «Ã January 17, 1820 ââ¬â May 28, 1849Aunt who helped raise the siblings: Elizabeth Branwell (December 2, 1776 ââ¬â October 29, 1842), Maria Branwellââ¬â¢s sister Education Clergy Daughters School, Cowan BridgeRoe Head School, Desbury MoorPensionnat Heger, Brussels Marriage, Children Husband: Arthur Bells Nicholls (married June 29, 1854; Anglican clergyman)Children: none; Charlotte died during her first pregnancy Books by Charlotte Brontà « Poems by Currer, Ellis and Acton BellJane Eyre: An AutobiographyShirley: A TaleVillete Posthumous Publication The Professor: A TaleThe Twelve Adventurers and Other StoriesLegends of Angria: Compiled from the Early Writings of Charlotte Brontà «Emma (unfinished)The Poems of Charlotte Brontà « (annotated and enlarged)The Unfinished Novels Books About Charlotte Brontà « Brontà «s at Haworth: The World Within. Charlotte, Anne and Emily Brontà «, published 1993.à Four Brontà «s: The Lives Works of Charlotte, Branwell, Emily Anne Brontà «: Lawrence and Elisabeth Hanson, 1967.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Ethics and policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Ethics and policies - Essay Example Ethics can best be defined as standards of moral behaviour that are accepted by society as right versus wrong (Nickels et al, 2005). Businesses, as much as an individual, are held accountable for their actions in relationship to societys ethical expectations. Most modern companies are struggling to emerge profitable and reputable in a market that is saturated with competition. One of the tactics used to increase positive visibility in the business world is in establishing a distinctive ethical position. As much important as a companys mission or vision statement is the establishment of a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics annual report. The purpose of this statement is to apply ethical standards to all employees, directors, officers, and possibly subsidiary groups that define disciplinary actions for those who breach the code of conduct. What this serves is to separate the company from any possible negative assessments of its policies on behalf of consumers and to send the message t hat any deviation from ethical code will be immediately corrected through new initiatives or employee accountability for the act. In establishing a distinctive ethical position, most companies tend to address issues such as conflicts of interest, confidentiality, fair dealings with other entities, compliance standards, and sometimes cultural ethical standards when dealing with international organisations. The publicity gained from such an ethics code aids not only the business by securing its ethical actions, but also serve the communities, shareholders, and can prevent costly legalities brought on by unfair business practices. These types of lawsuits can be as minor as a breach in employment policy to as extensive as misrepresenting company earnings to inflate company stock. In a world where multiple businesses have been flattened due to false representation of company revenue, offering a It is quite clear to see the
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